Tour: guided tours of the website

Last updated on
6 October 2023

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The Tour module is included in Drupal core. When enabled, the Tour module provides guided tours of the site interface via tooltips. To take a Tour, edit an existing View at /admin/structure/views and click the "? Tour"-link in the upper right-hand corner in the admin tooolbar. Alternatively, visit /admin/structure/views/view/frontpage?tour=1 to auto-start the Views tour.

Tours can be used to:

  1. draw users' attention to critical components of the interface, especially those elements that might not be immediately obvious,
  2. guide the user through a workflow.


Tour is based on the jQuery library Joyride

In Drupal 9.2, Joyride was deprecated in favor of Shepherd


  1. Users must be given 'access tour' permission in order to view available tours.
  2. JavaScript must be enabled in the browser

Creating tours

The Tour API documentation provides information on how to create a tour. The Tour UI module provides a UI to build tours.

Auto start and navigate between tours

By adding links in your tour body text with ?tour=1 will continue the tour if available on the linked page.

<a href="/admin/structure/views/view/frontpage?tour=1">Auto start the views tour</a>

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