The Privatemsg module allows users to send messages to each other without having to share their e-mail addresses. Once the module has been enabled, an inbox link will appear in the navigation menu. "Write to author" links are included in posts, allowing users to write private messages instead of commenting openly. Allowing users to communicate directly with each other is an important part of community building.

Optionally, users can select whether to receive e-mail notices of new messages by editing their user profiles. The contacts list contains only users that you have previously messaged. To contact users not in your list, you need to know their Drupal usernames. Administrators can set messaging options such as frequency of emails, message status display, and number of messages to display per page. They can also configure 'Write to Author' options.

You can:

  1. administer privatemsg at administer >> settings >> private message.
  2. view your private messages at view inbox.
  3. file issues, read about known bugs, and download the latest version on the Privatemsg project page.

The Drupal 5.x and 6.x version of Privatemsg is no longer maintained.