@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 Announcements module is enabled by default and added to the Standard profile in Drupal 7.100
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 user_pass_rehash() hash calculation now separates parameter values in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.100 06-Mar-2024 "Announcements" module
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 When a user fails login, the reset password link no longer pre-fills the username in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 Protection against abuse of DrupalCacheArray::__destruct() in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 Drupal 7's aggregator feed now displays up to 255 characters from description if no title is found
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 Drupal 7's minimum PHP version is now PHP 5.6
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 ModuleUpdater::getSchemaUpdates() was removed in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 Node translations table now contains a link to delete translation in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 file_validate_image_resolution() now validates minimum dimensions against the resized image in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 hook_field_schema_alter() was added in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.99 06-Dec-2023 Menu link 'Parent link' is limited to the current menu when creating new custom menu links through the UI in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.81 11-Sep-2023 CSS/JS Aggregation is no longer used during automatic maintenance mode
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Content of phpinfo() admin status page is now configurable in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Session IDs are now hashed in the database in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Update info is fetched over https by default in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.98 07-Jun-2023 Double click prevention introduced in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 The time limit for cron locks in Drupal 7 has been increased to 15 minutes, and is configurable from settings.php
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 SameSite attribute set to Lax on various Drupal 7 cookies
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7's minimum PHP version is now PHP 5.3
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 New hook_valid_email_address_alter() in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7's hook_comment_unpublished is now invoked
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Permissions-Policy header is removed since Google has retired FLoC (D7)
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7's EntityFieldQuery uses $ordered_results instead of the declared $orderedResults property
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Drupal 7 now has a user action "unblock current user"
7.x / 7.93 07-Dec-2022 Optional $mail parameter added in user_pass_rehash()
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 Drupal 7's .htaccess protects .orig and .save files
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 drupal_http_request() now strips Cookie and Authorization headers on HTTP downgrade or HTTP host change
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 Image and file fields on taxonomy terms using private filesystem will no longer return 403 / access denied
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 ID attribute changed on DIV wrappers in managed_file form element markup
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 l() now strips dangerous protocols from the $path
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 PagerSelectExtender::getElement() allows consuming code to know the pager id used by a query
7.x / 7.92 07-Sep-2022 path_load() will now consistently load the newest alias
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 Editing a comment in D7 no longer changes the creation date
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7 adds a "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" header to cached page responses
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7's Field API now supports entity ids that are strings (the entity system already did)
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 D7 no longer accepts trailing dots in entity_ids which may affect some URLs
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 CSRF token added to admin/reports/status/run-cron in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.90 27-May-2022 Added PHP 8 support to .htaccess files in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Drupal 7 now has a date-based default for the directory that file uploads are saved to
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Drupal 7 now has a "changed" property on the user entity
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Drupal 7 now has a skip_permissions_hardening setting
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 The has_js cookie has been removed from Drupal 7
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Drupal 7 no longer strips leading www. from cookie domain by default because that leaks session cookies to subdomains
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Changes to password reset process in Drupal 7 to prevent email or username enumeration
7.x / 7.81 29-Nov-2021 Backport server configuration code from SA-CORE-2016-003 to Drupal 7
7.x / 7.83 29-Nov-2021 Link tags with duplicate href attributes and different hreflang attributes are now supported in Drupal 7
7.x / 7.81 02-Jun-2021 Drupal 7 testing improvements - new cache and fail-only options
7.x / 7.81 02-Jun-2021 Disable brotli compression of pre-compressed CSS and JS
7.x / 7.81 26-May-2021 Permissions-Policy header is added by default to disable a method of browser-based user tracking


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