In Drupal 7, multiple values does not shown for fields which are "Autocomplete term widget (tagging)"

When I set "Number of values" in field setting to any number greater than 1, in node creation page, I only can see one field for that; While "Number of Values", work well for text or text area fields.


romaingar’s picture

You're right...
Have you create an issue ?

webdesigner/developpeur/cuisinier agence wizidot. Des particules qui se baladent principalement du cotė d'aix en provence, marseille et avignon.

roynilanjan’s picture

in which project I should post bug taxonomy?
or it's an issue related to field API?

robertvoi’s picture

hi guys any news on this request.
We also noticed the problem and we are are looking for a solution.


tlarrieu’s picture

I ran into this same problem while creating a custom module where I need to have a textfield with multiple possible values and want to have autocomplete work for each. I found the solution that follows.

In my case the field is named "field_entrymakers". I added the following code to mymodule.module to implement the hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().

* Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
* Alters specific text fields to enable autocomplete even if there is more than
* one instance.
* @see hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter()
function mymodule_field_widget_text_textfield_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
  if ($element['#field_name'] == 'field_entrymakers') {

Now when I "add another" to the form, it too has the autocomplete_path attached.

hanoii’s picture

For what it's worth, this is more a design issue than something else. "Tag style" means that you enter the terms as tags, and in the case of multiple, it means that you can enter multiple terms separated by comma. You don't get the "Add another" field, but rather let you do a manual input. I also would have liked to have the option to select either way, but as it is, it's like that.