MERCI is designed to be very flexible, but once nodes have been added to the content type the settings cannot be changed between Bucket and Resource. There is no single right or wrong way to configure Buckets or Resources. You want to find the configuration that works best for your workflow.

Buckets - While buckets are more complicated to configure, they enable MERCI to provide users who need to make longer reservations the space to do that.

  • Items in a Bucket are interchangeable
  • Users in a specific Role have access to all items in Bucket
  • All Bucket items have same rate per hour

Using Buckets optimizes equipment so short reservations don't prevent longer reservations.

Unoptimized Reservations

Optimized Reservations

Resources - These items are not interchangeable, but all items in a content type are available to users in a specific Role. For example, if you have a basic and advanced studio and a basic and advanced certification, you would need 2 different content types even though each type will only have one node.

Accessories - Items you want back, but don't need to track like batteries, lens caps, charger, etc. They only appear in the UI during the process of checking items in and out.

Groupings - This impacts the way buckets and resources are displayed in the select lists users see when making a Reservation. By default, MERCI displays the select list as:

[Resource Content Type Name]
- [Resource Node Title]
- [Resource Node Title]
- [Resource Node Title]
[Resource Content Type Name]
- [Resource Node Title]
- [Bucket Content Type Name]
- [Bucket Content Type Name]

A real world implementation might look like this...

- Studio A
- Studio B
- Control Room
Meeting Space
- Multipurpose Meeting Room
- Panasonic PD150
- Panasonic PD170

By adding terms to the MERCI Equipment Grouping taxonomy, you can select a grouping when editing the content type.

- Studio A
- Studio B
- Control Room
- Multipurpose Meeting Room
- Panasonic PD150
- Panasonic PD170