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Key Features:

  • Simple, Lightweight and Elegant
  • Power Scrolling (Up/Down) - new in 7.x-1.5 and 6.x-1.6,
    a great help when you want to reach SAVE button quickly.
  • Brings consistency on admin page layouts which visually simplifies the seemingly complicated Drupal admin
  • Works great with Admin Menu, this theme doesn't duplicate any functionality provided by Admin Menu module
  • Fluid layout, 100% width, for easy content editing and site configurations
  • If you need performance and simplicity in viewing your admin pages, this is the right theme for you.

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How to use: (Drupal 6)

  1. Install Admin Menu
  2. Install OM Base Theme
  3. Install OM Admin Theme
  4. Enable this theme on /admin/build/themes/select (do not set as default)
  5. Set this theme as the Administration theme on /admin/settings/admin
  6. Check - Use administration theme for content editing
  7. You may have to disable all the blocks which are automatically put inside the Content region by the system on /admin/build/block/list/om_admin
  8. You're done!

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How to use: (Drupal 7)

  1. Install Admin Menu
  2. Install OM Base Theme
  3. Install OM Admin Theme
  4. Enable this theme on /admin/appearance (do not set as default)
  5. Set this theme as the Administration theme on /admin/appearance (at the bottom of the page)
  6. Check - Use administration theme for content editing
  7. You may have to disable all the blocks which are automatically put inside the Content region by the system on /admin/structure/block/list/om_admin
  8. Drupal 7 uses Toolbar on normal install, disable Drupal core Toolbar and use Admin Menu for better admin pages accessibility.
  9. You're done!

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This theme is easily developed from OM Base theme

The Drupal 6 OM Admin's page.tpl.php looks like this:

<body class="<?php print $body_classes; ?>">
  <div class="wrapper-outer">
    <div id="container" class="wrapper">
      <?php print $breadcrumb; ?>
      <div id="container-inner" class="wrapper-inner">
        <?php print om_content_elements($mission,$tabs,$title,$messages,$help) ?>
        <?php print om_region('content', $content, 0); ?>
      </div> <!-- /#container-inner -->
    </div> <!-- /#container -->
  </div> <!-- /.wrapper-outer -->
  <?php print $closure; ?>

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The Drupal 7 OM Admin's page.tpl.php looks like this:

<div class="wrapper-outer">
  <div id="container" class="wrapper">
    <?php print $breadcrumb; ?>
    <div id="container-inner" class="wrapper-inner">
      <?php print om_content_elements(render($tabs), render($title_prefix), $title, render($title_suffix), $messages, render($page['help']), render($action_links)); ?>
      <?php print om_region_wrapper('content', render($page['content']), 0); ?>
    </div> <!-- /#container-inner -->
  </div> <!-- /#container -->
</div> <!-- /#wrapper-outer -->

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Simplicity to the core
If you have any ideas on simplifiying custom theming further or need any help, please contact me. Or send me a message through

Sponsored by: Promet Source, an Acquia Drupal partner company

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