I've been getting lots of page not found errors for 500.shtml in my logs. A lot of them seem to be originating from Google Images and while I might be able to fix these by actually creating a 500.shtml file, I'm curious to why 500.shtml is even being sought out in the first place and how these are being generated at such a furious pace:

Type page not found
Date Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - 3:09pm
User Anonymous
Location http://firsthour.net/beyond-the-first-hour-review/mass-effect-galaxy
Referrer http://www.google.com/m/search?site=images&gl=us&source=mog&aq=&oq=&aqi=...
Message 500.shtml
Severity warning
Hostname (redacted)


Ayesh’s picture

I guess that there is a problem in htaccess file.

Take a look at htaccess. You'll see that 404 page is /index.php
when your server find a misconfiguration, it tries to deliver custom 500(internal server error) page to visitor.
In most cases, 500.shtml is that file.

If that 500.shtml is missing, there is a 404 error too. Apache will take another look at what is the custom 404 page.(it's drupal index.php!).

Drupal is designed to log 404 errors!

I think the better option is firstly write a proper 500.shtml page to send 500 header and invertigate htaccess problem.