In D7, whenever I go into Administration » Structure » Menus
The menu item for My account always shows "My account (disabled)"

Tried clicking the "ENABLED" check box and save, it will say changes saved but the check box will revert to being unchecked.

Why is it always disabled? Although the My account menu item does still appear under the user menu block when viewed in front end.



x2x3x2’s picture

Strange, am I the only one facing this issue?

yugongtian’s picture


Celeste’s picture

Nope - I've got the same problem.
If I click on the link from the menu it goes to a blank page.
If I go to the "backend" and check out the menu - it says disabled. However, if I edit the menu item "My Account" it says enabled...

Maybe it's a module that's been disabled? Any one assistance?

x2x3x2’s picture

Is this "normal" then? Though it seems like it shouldn't be based on the behavior.

Jonaboff’s picture

I'm also having this issue, its not a major issue for me as the link still appears in the menu as I want it to, but I'd still rather it was fixed!

altavis’s picture

Probably system.module bug, anyway ...

You can disable My account by disabling it in OPERATIONS -> Edit, menu still be marked as disabled but won't be shown in frontend.

Mr_Zoidberg’s picture

I'm having the same problem. No fix?

Chimos’s picture

I have the same problem. "My account" appears disabled in "User menu" links list, but is visible in pages.
Maybe useful: I'm building my own theme with Drupal 7 based on "Basic theme", and have "My account" in the default "User menu". As a block, this is visible to all rols.
Thank you

Otherwise I can't find "Operations --> Edit" (altavis solution above)

altavis’s picture

It's in Home » Administration » Structure » Menus (admin/structure/menu/manage/user-menu)

Is someone here using latest dev version and can confirm this bug still exists? Or we should report a bug.

Chimos’s picture


Symphonie’s picture

I have just spotted this same error.

In my case, the User Menu does NOT show when the user is not logged in but does show when the user is logged in. I would like the user menu to be visible to all users, including anonymous.

Ayesh’s picture

This is okay. Menu items get hidden if user has no access to the destination.
As a workaround, you can create new menu item linking to /user path.
If user is logged, user will be taken to his/her account and if user is not logged in, he/she will see a login page.

dazimon’s picture

I'm new to Drupal. I'm not a programmer, so bear with me, please:

When I'm logged in, "My account" is not hidden. The problem is that if by "destination" you mean the page where I should be able to edit "My account", you are right. I don't have access to it because it remains "(disabled)" in the Edit User menu part of the Administration. The problem reported here by others and hereby confirmed by me is is precisely that the "user WILL NOT BE TAKEN TO HIS/HER ACCOUNT" when he is logged in and clicks on the hyperlink "My account".

This is a serious flaw. How can I send my list an invitation to the site when they cannot personalize they're password after I created accounts for them? Even if they created the account on their own, how could they customize their account?

dazimon’s picture

Now I can access "My account", although in the Admin overlay the "My account" item in the "User menu" is still showing as "(disabled)". It is buggy, I'd say. :-/

ngstigator’s picture


tdurocher’s picture


Tom Durocher

itkadmin’s picture


Having the same issue.

using following modules
Chaos tools
Link field
Organic Groups
OG Create Permissions
Advanced HElp
Backup and Migrate
Entity API
Entity Tokens
Global Redirect
Login Tobaggan
Search 404
Text Resize
Semantic views
Views Bulk Operations

ilya.bezdelev’s picture


mesr01’s picture

There seems to be a couple of variants with this issue. In my particular case, the "My account" menu item won't show up in user menu. I tried to enable it through the menu admin page but its state always reverts back to 'disable'. This is obviously not a permission issue since I can still access the "My account" page by other means. every time I edit the menu, the 'enable' checkbox on the menu item edit page reverts to 'disable' status, so I must enable it back before submitting. Looks like the value is saved but not retrieved when D7 populates the form.

rickdrup’s picture

I had the same issue. I wanted users to be able to edit their profile and I don't have the 'edit' tab in my custom theme so I installed and created a new menu item using the token [current-user:edit-url]. Works fine.

j0rd’s picture

I have the same issue. I posted an issue queue about this here:

Please +1 in that thread if you want this fixed.

Adam Wood’s picture

I had the same problem.

The 'My Account' link was working originally, then after building other user menu items (login/register) it disappeared.

After not being able to figure it out, I just tried hitting 'Reset' to the right of the menu item and it re-appeared!

Definitely buggy... Every time I mess with that menu it disappears again!

Hope this helps others, for now...

EDIT: I've figured out that it's when I move the 'My Account' link up or down that it gets rid of it and when I reset it, it sits under 'Log Out', which is annoying as I want it above it!

jnettik’s picture

My experience is that the menu item read disabled and checking the box wouldn't do anything and the link wouldn't show in the meny, as has been stated above. I clicked reset on that link, clicked the checkbox and even though on the list page the links said disabled. On the link's edit page it said enabled and the link now shows in my menu.

asaguiar’s picture

Well, the bug is still up there and the workarounds season is still open. :-)
Tried the 'new link' workaround and then two 'My account' items became available. Worst ye: one of them became available to non users. As this is not acceptable, I deleted the new 'My account' and guess what? Everything is working smoothly. The proper links appear in the proper places for the proper people. And the menu link still appears as deactivated to the admin.
Someone, please, test that and verify this can be reproduced. It would be nice to have a real workaround.


Tebb’s picture

I'm seeing something strange happening with the presentation of the menu links too.

bensoi’s picture

I encountered the same thing but the user menu still works as it should be.
The check box beside the My Account menu may not be ticked after you enabled it, but it still works fine.

msedlacek’s picture


JurgenR’s picture

Seems that the 'Enabled' checkbox is still marked in admin/structure/menu/item/2/edit, unmarking this did the trick.

Drupal backend developer since 2011.
Open Source Webdevelopment Coding Blog

ridgek’s picture

Looks like the problem still exists in 7.14. Subscribing.

Interestingly, checking the "enable" box and saving, will cause it to appear in the menu. However, if you go back to the User Menu Edit Links, it's unchecked again.

Also found a thread for the same issue in D8 here:

Christopher James Francis Rodgers’s picture

"My Account" not active in menu tree of User Menu

All the best; intended.
-Chris (
"The number one stated objective for Drupal is improving usability." ~Dries Buytaert *

vermilion-1’s picture

I have same problem....if anyone finds the solution please share it

Anonymous’s picture

Same problem in 7.14.

dufink’s picture


i have the same problem and i was searching for some solution to make the user-menu works. after a lot of hours an much frustrating i try to change only one thing into the user authorization overview. i make a click on Views "Bypass views access control" and now the f... menu works fine and the link to my account don´t show an error like before. i hope this is helpful for everybody has the same problem.

best regards

one_orange_cat’s picture

Thanks to @Cottser - the following workaround did the job for me in 7.14 (I just moved the original "My account" entry out of the User menu to my own dummy menu for hiding unwanted links). Thought it might be worth reposting here:

Posted by Cottser on April 12, 2012 at 4:07pm
To work around this without patching, you can try creating a custom "My account" menu item pointing to user and use Menu item visibility to only show the menu item to authenticated users. Worked for me.

This is from the active issue already mentioned above: #1197622 My account (disabled)

warmth’s picture

7.15 still showing the issue! Incredible!

indusbay’s picture

My account (disabled) is shown and new users can't be created. Please help.

indusbay’s picture

So is it me who is still seeing this issue or are there others too. Please advise if there is another module I could use for logging in & New user registration in Marinelli theme. if not then I will find Drupal to be quite useless, please help me stay as a Drupal family member as I am getting quite frustrated with it's faulty Login / New user registration system.