As known in Wordpress and elsewhere, great tool for those who don't like bloated WYSIWYG editors. Few buttons that simplify your writing - bold, italics, link, lists and others as simple buttons above your textarea!

This is my very first module ever, so it is quite a mess I'm sure.

The original module for 4.7 was developed and maintained by Bèr Kessels, but I replaced/removed most of the code since I found it, well, useless. That's why I didn't want to commit it to repository to avoid confusion. I'm sure eventually he/someone will add it there, but until then, download it from

Comments are welcome!

PS: only now I've noticed that someone else was already working on it.


Bèr Kessels’s picture

Don't use them: Eventhough I know analytik, is a good person, you don't know if he stuck something into his zip file. On drupal s CVS system you can at least track all the code, and you can warn people about malicious code. A zip file you cannot.

Second: IT defeats all the other effort. Sure, the zip file is shared. But ity will not help getting a stable and maintained version out in fact, the time that went into creating the forked module is all wasted, except fro the author who probably needed that hack.

If the author had spent his time reviewing the already made patches for quicktags for 5.x, we would probably have had a stable release already. Everyone is free to do with their time what they want, don't get me wrong, but please do not encourage this scattered development.


PS: today I released the first 5.x dev version. Care to give it a try?

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