I have recently been getting a new website built on D7 ready and reviewing steps to make my site more secure, final steps etc, before publishing it to my host. One thing I have been trying to read more about is the change in D7 that will block brute force login attempts. Can someone direct me to more info about this? Can I configure the number of attempts before someone is locked out?

The only place in the docs I seen this was here

A "Flood Control" module was mentioned here, but the docs also mention this protection was added as part of D7 core. So if this is part of the core, where do I go to configure this?

Am I correct in my impression that the Flood Control module is just putting an interface on the core functions that handle this protection feature?


roper.’s picture

Looks like that code is in user_login_authenticate_validate(). Be sure to read the code comments. There seems to be two separate flood types: one per IP, and one per user.

The number of attempts and the time windows are stored as variables, so you can override them. Not sure if there's a UI for it directly; if not, you can just do:

// Set per-IP failed login attempt limit and window.
variable_set('user_failed_login_ip_limit', 10); // Changed from 50 attempts to 10.
variable_set('user_failed_login_ip_window', 1800); // Changed from 3600 (one hour) to 1800 (half-hour).

// Set per-user failed login attempt limit and window.
variable_set('user_failed_login_user_limit', 3) // Changed from 5 attempts to 3.
variable_set('user_failed_login_user_window', 10800); // Changed from 21600 (6 hours) to 10800 (3 hours).

Just run that code once (modify as needed) either on a PHP page, or through devel's PHP form.

Hope that helps. :-)

edit: Also, here's the thread where this functionality got implemented for D7: #485974: Improved security: rate limit login attempts.