Hi, I have recently begun using Drupal.

I have version 7.0 installed, along with some Modules, including 'Taxonomy Menu'. I made a vocabulary to serve as the contents of the menu, but now I want to give the menu options paths, because currently they are pointing to taxonomy term pages such as /taxonomy/term/987 which shows "There is currently no content classified with this term". I want it to point to /projectname/projectpage, where both projectname and projectpage are preferably read from custom taxonomy fields.

When I go to 'Home » Administration » Structure » Taxonomy » projects_menu' and scroll down to 'Menu Path Type' under 'Taxonomy Menu', the only available option in the drop-down list is 'Default'. According to http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/taxonomy_menu there should be a few options there...

Looking at the code for php function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_path() at http://drupal.org/node/380652 , I see that only one variable is added to the array, without any testing, and returned. Does the problem lie in the code or the documentation??

How can I accomplish this?
Also, why is there only one option for 'Menu Path Type'?

Kind Regards,


Pierr0t’s picture


I happened to have the exact same need (and frankly I don't understand how others are doing this), did you ever find a solution to your problem ?

Thks in advance.

Anonymous’s picture

Install the Taxonomy Menu Custom Path module (included with Taxonomy Menu)

1800collect’s picture

This is giving inaccurate information. So the readme document is stating this is available for the Drupal 7 version but these modules have not been released for it yet.

See this thread that tells you to take a look at another thread at #11 http://drupal.org/node/1119162#comment-4948294

There seems to be a patch, but it hasn't been committed yet to the module. I am trying to figure it out now.

zJoriz’s picture

When assigning a vocabulary to a menu, the explanation reads:

The menu path will be passed through drupal_get_path_alias() function so all aliases will be applied.

Which, if I'm not mistaken, means that you can build alias replacement patterns using Pathauto and Taxonomy Menu will load those patterns instead.
It's what I did, and it seems to work all right...

Xomby’s picture

@zJoriz - You hit the nail on the head - but just for everyone's future reference, the following steps MUST be done to make this work properly:

  1. Install PathAuto and activate the module (if you haven't already)
  2. Browse to: admin/config/search/path/patterns
  3. Scroll down to "Taxonomy Term Paths" and fill in the path alias (in my case it was shop/[term:name])
  4. save settings
  5. OPTIONAL - If you already had pathauto running before having this issue you MUST:
    1. rebuild the aliases by going to the delete aliases tab and deleting the old aliases for "Taxonomy term paths",
    2. then go to the bulk update tab and updating the "Taxonomy term paths".
      I had to do this, just updating them on the bulk update page didn't seem to work, but your mileage may vary
  6. With the above done, browse to admin/structure/taxonomy/%Your Vocabulary%/edit
  7. Check the box at the bottom of the Taxonomy Menu area titled "Select to rebuild the menu on submit."
  8. Save
  9. You should be done (I'd flush caches at this point, as a rule of thumb)

This worked for me, and thanks again @zJoriz for the post!

WebmistressM’s picture

Those are very detailed instructions. I had stumbled up on this when looking for an explanation as to why "Add item for vocabulary" was greyed out. I went through the above steps but sadly this checkbox is still greyed out. I do not have any selection for menu type other than "default".

Is this part of the Taxonomy Menu module broken for Drupal 7.19 ?

samwillc’s picture

@zJoriz thanks so much for this info!

I made a custom view block with the term name, rewrote them, output as link....etc... what a waste of time!

All I needed to do was make a taxonomy menu and change pathauto for my products vocabulary to point at products/[term:name] and chuck the block in the sidebar.

Result! Thanks :)

**EDIT** tell a lie, that doesn't work in my situation. Even at products/[tid], the taxonomy view page is still being used, I wanted to use my custom view.

Still, good to know this though, might be handy changing the path in the future.

stephen Verdant’s picture

Try Taxonomy Views Integrator to switch from a single default taxonomy view to a specific view for each vocabulary.

jack-pl’s picture

If you need to create custom taxonomy term path for some specific terms (e.g. depend on their depth) and a menu with properly aliased links, please have a look at my solution here: a view display for a specific term depth