microdata 7.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

- #1664392 by Itangalo, linclark | dimon00, Kuznetsov: Fixed Undefined index 'type'.
- #1657948 by linclark | Kuznetsov: Fixed Notice: Undefined index: #object with non-field render elements.

microdata 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

- #1514762 by linclark: Fixed Drush misses some components on 'feature update".
- #1255020 by linclark: Removed hook_microdata_mapping().

microdata 7.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

- #1452406 by linclark: Removed microdata_top_level_item() flag on entities.
- #1450944 by linclark: Changed microdata_load_mapping() to microdata_get_mapping().
- #1450752 by linclark: Changed microdata_entity_load to not attach $microdata_mapping to entity.

microdata 7.x-1.0-alpha4

New features
Bug fixes

Due to changes made as part of #1441966, users who have downloaded microdata vocabularies using the Vocabularies setting form should go back to that form to re-download them.

- #1441966 by linclark | klonos: Added Add descriptions for vocabularies in the 'Enabled Vocabularies" list.
- #1407384 by linclark | jzornig: Fixed unchecking 'Handle as item' doesn't remove itemscope.

microdata 7.x-1.0-alpha3

New features
Bug fixes
  • #1394502 by linclark: Fixed Notice: Undefined variable: itemtypes.
  • #1392774 by linclark: Added support for Google's Schema.org Extensions.

microdata 7.x-1.x-dev

Provides an API for creating microdata mappings for bundles and default mappings for fields.

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