This is a very simple modification to the code you use in node.tpl.php so you can display your author/date/comments metadata a minimally.

If you want this:

By jibbajabba on 21 Feb | 1 comment

Rather than something like this:

February 21, 2007 - 10:06am
jibbajabba's blog | 1 comment

You can use this snippet in your node.tpl.php file:

By <?php print $name; ?> on <?php print format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'd M'); ?> |
  print $node->comment_count . ' comment';
  if ($node->comment_count != 1) { print 's'; }


Chill35’s picture

Better use

Better leave the node object alone, as much as possible.

Use $name instead of $node->name to get a link in the right context.

By <?php print $name; ?> on <?php print format_date($created, 'custom', 'd M'); ?> | <?php print format_plural($comment_count, '1 comment', '@count comments'); ?>