Hi everyone,

I have installed some time ago Drupal 6.16 (and then upgraded to 6.20) and CKEditor with CKFinder along with a bunch of other modules. Initially, CKEditor worked fine, but after some time I tried to edit a node previously created in CKEditor. In "edit" mode everything works fine, but after I save it, the whole node is in a mess despite looking quite fine in "edit" mode. When I look up the code, I see a string of words I have never seen before. Each word in the text is defined with something which looks like span data-scaytid="number" word="word", where "number" is an ordinal number of the word in the text, and "word" is a word I typed there. I tried to find it here, but I had no luck with that. Is this a known issue?

- I checked if I have "full HTML" format for that node.
- CKEditor version: 3.3.1


<strong>1000 <span data-scaytid="1" word="Athlet">Athlet</span>


wimvds’s picture

We just had the same problem. I just disabled the scayt spell checker to get rid of it.

Assuming you're using the wysiwyg module, you should just add CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup = false; to the ckeditor attach function in sites/all/modules/contrib/wysiwyg/editors/js/ckeditor-3.0.js


 Drupal.wysiwyg.editor.attach.ckeditor = function(context, params, settings) {
   // Apply editor instance settings.
   CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '';
   CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup = false;
Oruen’s picture

Thanks! :)

willbxl’s picture

I was looking for a solution for hours... trying to remove the plugin scayt from the config.js but resulting to nothing.
Then I tried your solution (and empty the caches) and everything is fine now.