Form ids change in Drupal 7. comment_form becomes comment_node_*_form where * is the content type. The id for a story is comment_node_story_form.

Use Firebug in Firefox. Select a spot in the form where you want the captcha. Right click and select Inspect element. You will see the form element with an id of the form comment-node-page-form. Replace the dashes with underscores to get the id required in Captcha.

You can also switch on Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms in the Captcha administration page then visit a page of each content type, add a comment, then switch on the captcha in the comment page.


hbblogger’s picture

Hi, I tried the instructions above for qforms and found qforms-submit-form for the form id, but when I tried qforms_submit_form with captcha, it was not there. Any suggestions?

peterx’s picture

Captcha for a public survey makes sense. I suggest looking for issues under the qforms module. Open an issue if there is not one. Post the link back here. When the issue is resolved, add to the documentation here.

hbblogger’s picture

Thanks Peter, I've done that and will link it back.