I am using internet explorer and I came across some issues while theming my omega sub theme.

Internet explorer does not process the HTML 5 tags when it finds it.

For example : this tag ( do not confound with will become . The style associated to it will still be , but the block will have a width and height of 0px , making it impossible to theme.

After doing some research I found some solution :

I use this simple module which will only insert a script from remy sharp into every page head. This script will activate only on non-compatible version of internet explorer and will "help" internet explorer to render HTML 5 tags.

This module or script could be intergrated into omega.

After getting feedback , I have been told that the script html5shim is already included in html.tpl.php and I might probably have overrided it using a preprocess function ( mytheme_alpha_preprocess_html(&$vars) ) in preprocess-html.inc

Finally , the file implicated in the disappearance of html5shim script was html.tpl.php in my subtheme templates.
I removed it and updated the cache and it worked fine without the module.

At the moment I didn't modify the html.tpl.php so that s solution was fine for me since I am using the preprocess function.
However , I still wonder if you want to create your own template how to manage that issue. I didn't find at all where html5schim script come from in omega themes code ( didn't find the string in any of the theme file ).


nco71’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Correction , bug happening due to modification of html.tpl.php using preprocess function.

Cellar Door’s picture

Status: Needs review » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)
marcoka’s picture

what ie version?
i never had that issue with ie8/9

streever’s picture

I think Omega isn't using an html5 doctype: it is using the following with RDF module enabled <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML+RDFa 1.1//EN">

It should be using <!DOCTYPE html>

IE9 will trigger quirks mode and cause weird issues with html5 otherwise.

streever’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Finally the right solution .

streever’s picture

oops: my code was stripped out. Please see my bug report:


steinmb’s picture

Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (won't fix)

Confusing issue. Closing this. @streever split out in a bug report #2058905: doctype declaration that still just sits there.