The module adds information about user's content to his/her profile's 'view' tab. This allows to understand fast what is user's contribution for the site, that helps to add more community outlook to the site.

If you're interested please see more detailed description


ultraBoy’s picture

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
like I like.

femrich’s picture

Sounds great. I will watch for a 5.x upgrade.

rokr’s picture

Yes i'm also looking for a 5.x version. ;-)

bobdalob’s picture

Great module.

Saw some feature requests here but I'd also like to see an option to place user content on a separate tab within the profile. And/or with paging. A user with a great deal of contributed content to a site will have a large profile page to load - many may not even be wanting to see their content.

ultraBoy’s picture

No, currently node listings are limited to 5 per type

like I like.

bobdalob’s picture

Then I think it would be cool to have a 'more..' link with all user's content of that/each type, paged of course. I think csc4's suggestion to have an option to exclude content types is important.

Even as is I like it!’s picture

I like the intent of this module.

But how about some tweaks?

  • The ability to restrict the Content Type(s) displayed?
  • The ability to have this shown on a different tab?
  • How about a "Read More..." link?
  • Tweak the number of entries displayed? Per page?

This module has some real promise. But straight out of the box, I feel limited by what is displayed....