Basic (!)

  1. go in admin > configuration Service Links page;
  2. enable the content types where you want include service links;
  3. click on Services tab and enable the services you want display into your content;
  4. go in admin > user permission page;
  5. enable the permission access service links for all the roles you want display links;

Display options

Node types or Taxonomy terms (*)

In most of cases we build a content type and decide if display or not Service Links but sometime could be useful have a different use of the same content type splitting it logically through taxonomy terms, in this case Service Links allow the administrator to show its links for taxonomy term instead of content type:

  1. Keep disabled the content type;
  2. (only from 2.1) enable the dictionaries which contain the needed terms and be sure that's enabled for your content type;
  3. select all the terms you want and that may belong to your content type.

Where show Service Links (**)

Through the tab General options it's possible setup Service Links between the links (Service Links in links) of a given node or as a part of the content (Service Links in nodes) and activate it when the node is rendered as teaser, full page, or both.

When Service Links is shown as part of the content, is possible to change the default label above the links with the option Set a label for the section into the node, for remove it just leave blank the text field.

Hide links (**)

Actually links generated for a node-related can hide:

  • for unpublished contents (General options);
  • for the contents displayed by the author (General options but only from 2.1);
  • giving/removing permissions for certain roles (admin > permission page) (***).

From 2.1 Service Links will hide automatically if the node has been generated by Print module.

How style the links (**)

There are three basic styles which give an idea about how style a link:

  • Image;
  • Text;
  • Image and Text.

About the images, a set of small icons (16 x 16 pixels) that come from their official websites has been included into the package. These icons shouldn't be modified otherwise at the next update could be overwritten, but who want replace them, should create his collection into an alternative folder then fill the field Icon's folder into the General options (***) (****).

Be aware that the small icons will be used in the service table, then don't delete them!!!

Since 2.1 has been introduced the ability to create custom styles implementing hook_sl_styles(), look the file plugins/service_links_sprites.module for more info.

Link options (***)

Short url

Short URLs are importants for certain social services which limit the number of character that an user can submit.

Service Links allow to replace the long URL given with a short one generated through different methods:

  • using the natural system node/number-id provided by Drupal;
  • using an external short url web service;
  • replacing the current domain with another one;
  • using the redirect domain and the node/number-id path.

If the external service is chosen, Service Links will use Tinyurl as default otherwise install Shorten URLs and configure your favorite.

Additional parameters at the end of URL

This feature could be useful for append text that never will be shown otherwise.

It could help developers to trigger some action when this parameter is set up (for statistical data, special redirect, ...)


  • (!) without these steps Service Links will never work
  • (*) This choice affect also the links shown into the blocks Service Links and Service Links Fisheye effect
  • (**) This choice doesn't affect the block's render.
  • (***) This choice affect also the link shown into the blocks.
  • (****) This choice doesn't affect the block Service Links Fisheye effect.