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Last updated on
9 May 2017

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Ubercart Addresses is an extension module for Ubercart. This module adds an address book to the user's profile. The Ubercart order process is altered so that users select delivery and billing addresses from their address book rather than from previous orders.


The 6.x-2.x and 7.x-1.x version contain the following features:

  • Address book
    Each customer has an address book, which stores a collection of addresses.
  • Billing/Shipping address enhancements
    Customers can mark addresses as the default billing and/or the default shipping address. The address fields at checkout can be filled automatically with these addresses.
  • Address nicknames
    Customers can assign a name to each address and later - at checkout - select an address by name.
  • Address formats
    Addresses used by Ubercart Addresses can be formatted by using tokens, rather than the predefined set of variables that Ubercart uses.
  • Select addresses from the address book at checkout
    Customers can select an address from their address book at checkout.
  • Require an address when registering
    You can require customers to provide an address when they register.
  • Fine grained permissions settings
    There are permissions for viewing, editing and deleting one's own addresses and permissions for viewing, editing and deleting addresses of other customers. For further control, there are a set of hooks available, see the file uc_addresses.api.php (included with the module).
  • Support for extra address fields
    Extra address fields can be added through the field handler API. There is an example module available that demonstrates that. The module Extra Fields Pane makes use of this API.

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