If you want a list view, but just want one item after another without the UL/LI markup, this is what you do:

1) Make a list view
2) Run the theming wizard and paste the stuff it tells you to
3) In the bit for template.php:


return theme('item_list', $items);


return implode(" ",$items);

This will get you _just_ the stuff in the tpl file with each item separated by spaces and no list markup.


aspacepig’s picture

Thanks #10 worked like a charm. Drupal gets a lot more fun once one starts to get the hang of views.

tylerherman’s picture

Seems like this would be a good candidate for an additional Format, maybe Format: "None".

Most times Views spits out a whole bunch of extra DIVs and classes that aren't necessary. Would save people a lot of time and clean up the markup to just get the fields spit out with no DIVs/lists/headings around them.

Michelle’s picture

The Drupal 5.x branch of Views is no longer being worked on as far as I know and this isn't an issue in D7 with all the built in customizability for controlling the output.