Amazons CloudFront service can be utilized by following these steps:

Without custom domain:

  1. Create a CloudFront distribution for your Amazon S3 Bucket.
  2. In the Amazon S3 module settings, check the Enable CNAME box.
  3. In the CDN Domain Name field enter your CloudFront distribution domain name (e.g.
  4. Save the configuration and then clear the Drupal cache.

To use a custom domain:

  1. Create a CloudFront distribution for your Amazon S3 Bucket.
  2. Setup a CNAME record for your domain The CNAME should point to your CloudFront distribution domain name (e.g.
  3. Set a CNAME on the CloudFront distribution. This usually is your custom domain (e.g.
  4. In the Amazon S3 module settings, check the Enable CNAME box.
  5. In the CDN Domain Name field enter your custom domain name (e.g.
  6. Save the configuration and then clear the Drupal cache.


Rosamunda’s picture

How may I configure the file (ie. a video) to be private without the need of an expiration date?
(ie. a video available only whan called form my domain name).

mgifford’s picture

This video was useful

Still not quite what I needed, but a good confirmation it's going the right way.