The Multilingual forum module, part of the Internationalization (i18n) package, helps with the multilingual configuration of the site forums.


The Multilingual forum module has a dependency on the core Forum module and the Taxonomy translation and Multlilingual content modules from the Internationalization package.


Configure forum vocabulary

  1. Enable the Multilingual forum module included with Internationalization
  2. Go to Administration > Structure > Taxonomy
  3. Click edit vocabulary for the Forums vocabulary
  4. Choose the translation mode (Localize or Translate)
  5. Click Save and translate button
  6. Click translate link for a language
  7. Translate the Name and Description for the forum
  8. Click Save translation button
  9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for each language

Configure forum terms

  1. Go to Administration > Structure > Forums
  2. Click edit link for a forum or container
  3. Click Translate tab
  4. Click translate link for a language
  5. Translate the Name and Description for the term
  6. Click Save translation button
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each language
  8. Repeat all steps for all terms