filterbynodetype 6.x-1.5

New features
Bug fixes

This release brings no changes since 6.x-1.5-beta2. However, as there are some fundamental structural changes, you are still encouraged to backup your existing installation if you come from 6.x-1.4 or prior.

Bug fixes since 6.x-1.4:

  • The initial variable values definition for the allowed input formats was buggy and did not comply with the logic required for the FAPI #checkboxes type.
  • Removed an escape backslash from a translatable string according to translation best practice.

Optimizations since 6.x-1.4:

  • Variable uninstallation now works in a more reliable way.
  • Formats variable structures have been optimized to match the FAPI needs (checkboxes default values are expected to be arrays, so we best use array variables as the D6 API allows for variables of any type.
  • Improved and more logical form handling, now using hook_form_alter() instead of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
  • Removed dedicated form submit handlers in favor of following variable naming conventions (which allows FAPI to auto-save the values directly into the variable table.
  • The actual format filter section form processing has moved into a generic helper function in order to be reusable at any time.

New features since 6.x-1.4:

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.5-beta2

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix for 6.x-1.5-beta1 which, to my regret, lacked the check for comment.module to be active. Sorry.

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.5-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This new version brings a couple of changes, optimizations and additions. Although it has been tested and looks working fine, it is tagged beta so kindly try it out and report problems, but probably do not do that if expensive business depends on your site. Also consider backing up your variable table to be on the safe side if anything interferes with the included transformation routine.

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

This release fixes a bug in a recent database update function which lead to an update error message (but did not have effective impact on the module's functions or even the update function itself). You do not need to apply this update if you have recently installed release 6.x-1.3 but however, if you did not update your database with the last release, you are encouraged to install this new release and execute update.php.

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

The module code has been replaced with a revamped code base I already created some time ago. It adresses two main issues:

  • No filter formats left will no longer appear. Just like Drupal's default behaviour, the site-wide default format will be made available instead.
  • Erroneous filter format form structure caused wysiwyg editors to break and other issues. This has been fixed as well.

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

A line of debug code crept into the 1.1 release. Sorry. :-( No other changes.

filterbynodetype 6.x-1.1

New features

First stable release for Drupal 6.

This version also introduces a bypass permission to allow selected users to pick any input format they want anyway. It also does away with the silly sea of checkboxes settings page and adds a checkbox set to each node type page, which makes a lot more sense from a usability perspective.

filterbynodetype 5.x-1.0

New features

At long last a stable release. Nothing is changing from the last dev, but I'm finally putting a stake in the ground before doing anything else to the module.

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