I have been reading about a "Private" option that will hide a component on a Webform from anonymous users but allow an administrator to see and edit the component. However, I have been looking for that option on all of the components that I can add to my Webforms and it does not appear. DOes anyone know what I am missing or having trouble with?




mudsurfer’s picture

When you create a webform field (eg a question for your survey or whatever), first you ADD the new field, and then you are taken to the form compenent edit page, where you can set a lot of different options (description, default value etc.).
Towards the bottom of the form component edit page, is a checkbox marked "Private" (Private fields are shown only to users with results access.).

If you check that box, and then save, that field will not be visible to Anonymous or standard authenticated users. The only users that can see those "private" fields are the Administrator (User1) or roles that have specifically been granted the permission (in permissions, under webform) "Access all webform results".

You should note if you are testing this logged in as User1 (you main admin account), that you will always see these private fields. You need to test as logged out user, or user with a different role, to see the private fields are hidden.

An example of how I use this: I have a client who has a webform for public to submit issues with the website. Their are a couple of contact details fields (name, email), and a text field to describe the issue.
These are visible to everyone so they can submit a problem.
But there are also a number of private fields (issue analysis, issue summary, resolution date, resolution notes) and these are ONLY visible to the site administrators.
The webform emails the site administrators if an issues is logged.
They log in to the site and EDIT the webform results, see if they can fix/address the issue, and they ADD extra details to those private fields so that they can track the actions they have taken. And when the issues is resolved they put the resolution date in.
At the end of the month, they check the webform results table for anything that is unresolved, and escalate it.
The original poster can only see the original issue they posted, they cannot see the "internal" private notes that were made by the admins.

Hope that assists? I realise your question was a couple of months ago. If you need more help, I'll monitor this thread for a little while.
