I am playing with my new site design using Stark theme. All pages (except for the front page) have that "Home" link in the top left corner. In http://drupal.org/node/1211844, a similar issue was discussed for Bartik. However, that discussion was about changing templates etc. Stark has no page templates, just pure CSS; does it mean that the link in question is hardcoded somewhere in the core? I do not seem to be able to find _any_ setting to remove it...
(To make it clear, I have toggled off all items under Appearance, like Logo etc.)


Maksym Kozub’s picture

I have realized this is a breadcrumb, and removed it using http://drupal.org/project/disable_breadcrumbs. I am considering a bug report. In my view, it is a bug when using a built-in theme, you get a breadcrumb in your content and that breadcrumb comes from the core, so you cannot toggle it off without changing a theme etc.

TravisCarden’s picture