The MediaFront module allows you to control the on-page presentation of your audio and video multi-media files; and includes the media player itself. You can host the files yourself on your webhost's server; or your media files can be hosted on a video-sharing website like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

These are the official documentation pages for Drupal's MediaFront module.

Please feel free to contribute to this page, and all of the other MediaFront pages.

Please, also, add more MediaFront tutorials on the documentation page External Advanced Tutorials and Videos - MediaFront.

The MediaFront project home page, on the other hand, from which you get its download, is at: MediaFront module project home page with download links.

Support requests: These Community Documentation handbook pages are for documentation only. If you have a support request, a new feature request, or a bug to report, please use the "Issues for MediaFront" queue. But before posting, please, do a 'Search for' from that page, since you might find that your issue is already being addressed in the issues que.

Use 7.x-2.x: Not 7.x-1.x: It is recommended that all new projects use the 7.x-2.x version of MediaFront.

All existing 1.x installations should be upgraded to 2.x. And although there is no way to automatically do this, there is a video walk-through on how to do it manually: Upgrading the MediaFront module from version 1.x to 2.x - YouTube.

The Mediafront module is not a video encoder. It will not transform one video file format to another.

The mediafront module will display video files in the most optimal way depending on the browser you are using, with an optional flash-fallback.

If all you care about is maximum compatibility, then use .mp4 (MPEG with h.264 encoding) or .m4v (MPEG with Apple’s version of h.264). Both of these formats will play on all major browsers as well as iOS and Android. Neither of these formats are open-licensed.

If you want to ensure an HTML5 experience on all major desktop browsers, then use a multi-valued media field and upload both .mp4/.mpv and .ogg/.ogv files.

Essentially, the top four browsers display different types of encoded videos natively. The following table outlines what file format each browser displays:

Chrome Firefox Safari IE Opera
mp4, ogg/ogv ogg/ogv mp4 mp4 mp4, ogg/ogv

Additionally, you may need to configure your server's MimeTypes to properly display the HTML5 files.

Looking for support? Questions and answers specific to MediaFront?
See MediaFront - 'Issues que'.