Is there a module to list all of the users? I just want a link that says "Users" and it will list everyone who has an account, you can click on them and view their profile


drupalina’s picture

Sure. Profile module that comes with a core already does that. Simply use the link "profile" or

Other modules that do this in a more complex way are "Members" module and also "Site User List" module.

Me too I have been looking for a good module that would allow easy brousing. I really want to find a module or a tweak that would allow users to surf through user-list pages like on Facebook -- you see an Avatar, basic info, groups that he/she is a member of, "Add user to my buddylist" and then Importatly -- "view user's friends" -- which I have not seen any module do.

It would be great to have a module that allows surfer to jump from one user's buddylist, to another user's buddylist and so forth.