Mag20 is Switzerland's first weekly crowd sourced print magazine. Mag20 asked Amazee Labs to develop a solution where their community can submit articles and vote, via selected social media platforms, for the articles that should be published in the following week's print magazine.

Mag 20
Why Drupal was chosen: 

Mag20 is a start-up that crowd sources content for the production of a weekly print magazine. The bootstrapped company required a framework that puts content first, features rich community abilities and comes without a licencing fee. All of these requirements played to Drupal 7's strengths.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

The aim of the project was to create the startups's initial website in time for the launch of Mag20 in August 2012. Three use cases stood at the heart of the requirements a) Article creation and submission b) enable voting for articles via social media until the submission deadline and c) distribution of the E-Paper edition to subscribers. The website was built in two sprints each lasting two weeks. The site was initially not intended to have a responsive design but the fluid nature of using an agile project management methodology allowed the implementation of this fourth requirement in the second sprint.

  1. Article submission: Registered users can create and submit articles to the pool of content.
  2. Development of a social media based voting system: The core of the platform is the social media based voting system. Published articles require to be voted into the top 20 by the end of the weekly submission deadline. Until then the visitors of the Mag20 website can cast their vote for any article by recommending it on Facebook, +1 it on Goole+ or Share it via Twitter. The voting system will register the casted votes via the corresponding APIs and update the ranking.
  3. Distribution solution for the digital edition of the magazine: The end product of Mag20 is a print magazine. Additionally, a solution to distribute the epaper version to the users was required.
  4. Responsive Web Design: Users should be able to access the site optimized to the viewport of their choice.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

Omega: Good experience from previous projects made this choice obvious for responsive web design.

Entity External Rating: This module was custom developed to match the requirements. It can be used to implement a rating system based on external sources. This means that the actual rating, voting or whatever action, happens on an external application (for example on Facebook), and the results are fetched into your system

Community contributions: 

Entity External Rating: This custom developed module has been contributed to the community.

Additionally patches to a variety of contributed modules were submitted to the community in the development and testing process.

Organizations involved: 