Hi friends,

I am developing secure section for our staff. I am looking for a module which can provide functionality:

1. Edit content online
2. Members can see the changes done by other members
3. Function to rewind the changes
4. Authorize person can finalize the document and after that other member cannot make any change.

I am expected something like wiki. Is it possible?

Please tell me which module should I use.



marcvangend’s picture

Editing content online is one of the core functionalities of every CMS, so Drupal can do it.

The possiblility to save and rewind different versions of a node is already built in in Drupal. You'll see a field group called "publishing options" on the bottom of your 'create content' screen. Check 'create new revision' to keep track of the changes. As an adminitrator you can set this behaviour by default and make sure others cannot uncheck it.

Personally I have no experience with the fourth requirement you mentioned, but this post (http://drupal.org/node/176171) seems to contain some helpful information for you.