get wiki articles from any mediawiki server and display on your site. You can theme the output to match your site - it is based on the getwiki plugin for wordpress.

You can download it at


batman1983’s picture

Thanks for the module, a perfect module for me.

tiendoan’s picture

This is great. One question regarding authorization: if the wiki server requires authorization to edit, other than having the user logging in to the mediawiki server first, is there another way? with perhaps ??

Thanks a lot for making this available.

panis’s picture

that is the goal - am trying to figure out the best way to integrate it in.

vanderlip’s picture

Great module, thanks!

I am having one problem. On pages displaying wiki content, the right sidebar content (I am using right and left sidebards) is getting pushed to the bottom in both Firefox and IE. I am using the Garland Theme. All of my other site content works correctly. Any ideas for a fix to this issue?

panis’s picture

you can modify the stylesheet to set the width and float of the wiki content using the modules/getwiki/getwiki.css file. the wiki content is contained in the div. If you have firebug installed on firefox you can debug the css and figure out what changes you need to make to the stylesheet.

vanderlip’s picture

Based on your suggestion, I did attempt to fix this with width and float changes to the getwiki.css without success. I am not a css wizard, unfortunately. I have two questions, they may be naive, please bear with me.

First, when I look at the page source for a page with getwiki implemented, I don't see that it loads the getwiki.css, like it loads all the other ccs files for other modules. Is this a problem?

Second, would you be willing to put something in the right sidebar of your demo site and see if you get the same results - the right sidebar slipping to the bottom of the page? If so, maybe you could take a look at the issue on your side. As I am using an unmodified version of Garland, I would assume that it might yield the same results as your demo site.

If these two tries don't yield results, would you be willing to look at the page in question on my site? I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks again for your help.


panis’s picture

send me a link to your site that has this would be quickest.

vanderlip’s picture

Panis - I resolved this issue, thanks for your offer of help!


toma’s picture

How i can enable "Create a story node automatically from retrieved wiki" ?

and it is possible to change the page url for getwiki/page

Thanks for your work and share

zulu42’s picture

toma, did you have any success in setting this function up? I am also looking for a solution but cannot come up with it - comments on seem not to work, at least not using the Live login function.

Any directions or ideas are welcome - please post... Thx!

Benevis’s picture

I use the great getwiki module on a standard Garland Drupal 5 and have the same problem as vanderlip that
the right sidebar content is getting pushed to the bottom of the page.

As the solution seems to be already found
would you be so kind to post the solution here in the forum.

Thanks very much!!


commodus’s picture


do you know how/where to use [getwiki] tag ?

toma’s picture

Any chance to have this project in drupal or have a drupal 6 version

agraj1’s picture

well, this module will help a lot. And site will be more user friendly. Thanks for the module.