Change record status: 
Introduced in branch: 

As a part of #1479454: Convert user roles to configurables the 'filter' and 'filter_format' tables have been removed from the database schema and text formats have been converted to configuration entities (configurables).


  • The 'filter' and 'filter_format' tables have been removed from the database schema.
  • Text formats become classed objects a.k.a. \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat.
  • Core and Standard Installation Profile formats are now defined in .yml files.
  • Instead of directly accessing format values we now use the appropriate Entity API methods (e.g. $format->label() or $format->id())
  • The custom CRUD API for text formats has been removed in favor of a proper Entity API storage controller a.k.a. \Drupal\filter\FilterFormatStorageController.
  • The old CRUD methods (filter_format_save(), filter_format_load() etc.) have been removed in favor of the Entity CRUD API. FilterFormat::load() to can be used to a filter format.

API changes

Use the Entity API CRUD functions & methods in the future instead of the filter_format specific functions.
Custom formats previously defined in code through filter_format_save() should be defined through .yml files in the future.
Filter functions that before expect an object now expects a FilterFormat instance.
{filter} and {filter_format} tables are removed, the settings of a filter are now part of FilterFormat::$filter.

Site builders, administrators, editors
Module developers
Updates Done (doc team, etc.)
Online documentation: 
Not done
Theming guide: 
Not done
Module developer documentation: 
Not done
Examples project: 
Not done
Coder Review: 
Not done
Coder Upgrade: 
Not done
Other updates done