ESLint settings

Last updated on
11 January 2024

Note: Changes to Drupal coding standards are proposed and discussed in issues in the Coding Standards project.

As of Drupal 8, we use ESLint to make sure our JavaScript code is consistent and free from syntax error and leaking variables and that it can be properly minified.

ESLint is a tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.

ESLint is a Node.js module and is integrated into a number of IDEs. (See installation and usage instructions.) One of the fastest ways to install all necessary ESLint dependencies is using eslint-config-drupal.

The following set of configuration options has been agreed upon. (See ESLint change notice.) Configuration is improved when possible, always use the latest stable ESLint version.

These configuration files ship with Drupal and can be used from there.

In a Drupal folder these configuration files will be automatically detected and used by ESLint when it is invoked from within the code base.

Contrib modules

Contrib modules should also conform to ESLint requirements.

In special cases, some rules need to be changed for specific modules (if they use a third party library and they need to use a new global variable), in that case the module can create it's own .eslintrc.json turning some rules on or off and adding global variables they require. When ESLint runs, all the configuration files present in the directory tree are merged together: see Configuration Cascading and Hierarchy for more details. For example, the Google Analytics module uses third-party code that defines the global ”ga”, which can be allowed by adding the following code to .eslintrc.json in the module directory:

  extends: [ 
  "globals": {
    "ga": true

Checking custom JavaScript with ESLint

ESLint can be installed in order to check that custom JavaScript follows standards. Here is how:

# Before running these commands, install node.js, npm, and npx
npm install eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-yml --save-dev
npm i eslint-config-drupal
npx eslint modules/custom/
npx eslint themes/custom/

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