wish is the fckeditor for drupal5.3... i have installed fck editor but not visible


VM’s picture

you should be using Drupal 5.5, you are 2 security released behind.

without knowing the steps you've taken to install FCK, it's difficult to help.

please explain in total the steps you've taken.

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hijas’s picture

i have done all that is in demo fckeditor site but that readme.txt is not found

VM’s picture

Sounds to me like you did not download the module from the downloads area here at drupal.org, you need two pieces you need the module and you need the library.

inside the module here on drupal.org you will find the readme.txt file

the module for drupal = http://drupal.org/project/fckeditor
the library for the module to work with drupal = http://www.fckeditor.net/

without BOTH of these pieces it won't work

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hijas’s picture

yes i downloaded from the drupal site and also copied file from sourceforge.net the latest fckeditor......
but no errorcomes but fckeditor not visible
scripts and closure are also there in my theme

VM’s picture

readme.txt is not found

I just downloaded FCKEditor from drupal.org and the readme.txt file is there. I suggest you read the readme.txt file that is inside the download.

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hijas’s picture

i read all that was in readme.txt.... but not visible

hijas’s picture

plz... reply iam in trouble

VM’s picture

you don't give enough information to help.

I just installed it on a test site using a fresh install of Drupal 5.5 and it worked perfectly well. I don't have and am not going to install an old insecure version of Drupal (5.3) to see if that is the problem. sorry.

My posts & comments are usually dripping with sarcasm.
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hijas’s picture

i have installed drupal 5.5 to see fck editor working and it still is the same case it doesnt seems to appear
plz... reply iam in trouble


hijas’s picture

I just installed it on a test site using a fresh install of Drupal 5.5
to see fckeditor working or not.......
but no error but not visible
plz... reply iam in trouble


rastarr’s picture

have you enabled user access permissions for FCK Editor and if so, which ones? Please be specific.

hijas’s picture

i have all acess and adminster fck editor but nothing happens....
plz helpme .......

hijas’s picture

I just installed it on a test site using a fresh install of Drupal 5.5....as you said but no fck editor found

VM’s picture


you aren't offering nearly enough information to help you. I can't see where your problem may be. I've installed it twice trying to figure out where you may be going wrong and both times it installed perfectly fine.

My assumption is you need to spend more time with the readme.txt file and go over it step by step by step. Just telling us that you followed all steps in the readme.txt doesn't help us diagnose where you are having a problem.

Your only other option is to have someone else install it for you.

My posts & comments are usually dripping with sarcasm.
If you ask nicely I'll give you a towel : )

hijas’s picture

Go to the FCKeditor homepage and download the latest version. Then uncompress the contents of the "fckeditor" directory of the downloaded file to /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditor/fckeditor/.

Installation troubleshooting
If your FCKeditor does not show you must check if all files are extracted correctly. The directory /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditor/fckeditor/ should have the following files fckeditor.js, fckconfig.js, fckstyles.xml, fcktemplates.xml and a directory named editor.

The correct directory structure is as follows:
Modify the fckeditor.config.js file to custom your needs (optional).
You may copy the needed configuration lines from the default FCKeditor configuration settings (modules/fckeditor/fckeditor/fckconfig.js), the lines in fckeditor.config.js will override most settings.
Enable the module as usual from Drupal's admin pages.
Grant permissions for use of FCKeditor in Administer > User Management > Access Control
Under Administer > Settings > FCKeditor, create the fckeditor profiles. In each profile you can choose which textareas will be replaced by FCKeditor, select default toolbar and configure some more advanced settings
For the Rich Text Editing to work you also need to configure your filters for the users that may access Rich Text Editing. Either grant those users Full HTML access or use the following:

Only local images are allowed.

    . To have a better control over line breaks, you may disable Line break converter in the chosen filter. Plugins: Teaser break and Pagebreak By default, FCKeditor module comes with two plugins that can handle teaser break () and pagebreak (). You can enable any (or even both) of them. Open /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditorfckeditor.config.js and uncomment these three lines: FCKConfig.PluginsPath = '../../plugins/' ; FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'drupalbreak' ) ; FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'drupalpagebreak' ) ; The second step is to add buttons to the toolbar (in the same file). The button names are: DrupalBreak, DrupalPageBreak. For example if you have a toolbar with an array of buttons defined as follows: ['Image','Flash','Table','Rule','SpecialChar']simply add those two buttons at the end of array: ['Image','Flash','Table','Rule','SpecialChar', 'DrupalBreak', 'DrupalPageBreak'](remember about single quotes). Uploading images and files There are three ways of uploading files: By using the built-in file browser, by using a module like IMCE or using the core upload module. Security Note that enabling file uploads is a security risk. That's why there is a separate permission in Administer > User Management > Access Control for enabling the file browser to certain groups. How to enable the file browser The editor gives the end user the flexibility to create a custom file browser that can be integrated on it. The included file browser allows users to view the content of a specific directory on the server and add new content to that directory (create folders and upload files). To enable file browsing you need to edit the connector configuration file in your fckeditor module directory, the file should be in: /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/config.php and /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/upload/php/config.php (FCKeditor 2.3.x - 2.4.x) or /drupal/modules/fckeditor-5.x-2.x-dev/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php (FCKeditor 2.5+) In this file you will need to enable the file browser: $Config['Enabled'] = true; To use the drupal files directory you also need to adjust the following variables in the connector configuration: $Config['UserFilesPath'] and $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath']. Point $Config['UserFilesPath'] to the path to drupal "files" directory and set $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] to the absolute path to the same directory. Furthermore, you will need to create a 'File', 'Image', 'Flash' and 'Media' subdirectory in your drupal files directory ('files'). These directories must have the same privileges as the drupal files directory. In some cases these directories must be world writable (chmod 0777). Making File Browser more secure Please be aware that enabling file browser simply by setting $Config['Enabled'] = true; theoretically enables it for each user (with a little bit of hackery, it is possible to use file browser without appropiate Drupal permissions). The more secure way of enabling file browser is as follows: Instead of setting $Config['Enabled'] = true ; add the following code: $drupal_path = "../../../../../../../../.."; if(!file_exists($drupal_path . "/includes/bootstrap.inc")) { $drupal_path = "../.."; do { $drupal_path .= "/.."; $depth = substr_count($drupal_path, ".."); false; } while(!($bootstrapFileFound = file_exists($drupal_path . "/includes/bootstrap.inc")) && $depth<10); } if (!isset($bootstrapFileFound) || $bootstrapFileFound) { $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($drupal_path); require_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); $Config["Enabled"] = user_access("allow fckeditor file uploads"); chdir($cwd); }straight after $Config['Enabled'] = false ; This code enables file browser only to users that have allow fckeditor file uploads permission. Note: if you don't set $drupal_path correctly, FCKeditor will find it out by itself. As of Drupal 5.2, additional step is required: locate file named settings.php inside your drupal directory (usually sites/default/settings.php) and set $cookie_domain variable to the appropiate domain (remember to uncomment that line).

VM’s picture

Posting the install.txt file doesn't help solve any problem you are having. We can read that in our own download.

Are you using a default theme ? if not, have you tried switching to a default theme ?

My posts & comments are usually dripping with sarcasm.
If you ask nicely I'll give you a towel : )

rastarr’s picture

To be honest, I don't think you're really 'getting' the fact in providing real information which we can use to help solve your problem.
Can I suggest you now look at the home page over at http://drupal.fckeditor.net/ and look through their installation instruction - I found them quite useful

swethaswaroop’s picture

I have placed the module by installing fckeditor from drupal site.

Iam not getting anything in the adminster->settings->FCKeditor.

Iam gettign a blank page.

Profile must be created for fckeditor,but where to create that profile

Iam using drupal 5.3.Is fckeditor supports or i have to upgrade my version.

Do we have any other editors that interates with drupal other that fckeditr in drupal 5.3?

Thanks in advance.


Oddible-1’s picture

I usually find most of the comments on the Drupal site to be extremely helpful but this particular thread has a lot of hostility primarily based around the original poster and the responders both not adding anything much to the conversation.

I'm having a similar problem so hopefully I can break the tit-for-tat with a bit of additional info. I've also followed the readme in detail and also am having a problem of my editor not showing up. However, here is what I've noticed. The entire code for the editor seems to exist when I View Source, however it is a blank white space on the page. I have the full menu and the entire rest of the page fully showing. I have the word 'Body:' show, then a blank section, then 'The ID for expluding or including this element is...'. I view source and I can see my textarea directly under the body tag, in fact twice.

I've tried different themes - no change.

Ahh... just tried it in Internet Explorer - works fine. Doesn't work at all in Firefox. Not sure why this incompatibility cropped up in the latest version here. My FCK used to work in both before I upgraded.

Edit --

Cleared my cache in Firefox and now it is showing up again.

Well folks, there are 3 things that COULD have been recommended to the above poster rather than just repeating the mantra 'not enough information'. View Source, try a different theme, clear cache.


WorldFallz’s picture

as one of the regulars providing support in the forums, let me just say that I thought the responders exhibited uncommon patience. clearly the original poster was expecting responders to put more effort into solving the problem then s/he was willing to do. requesting appropriate information is not a "mantra"-- if the op can't be bothered clearly and explicitly describing the problem with appropriate detail and answer questions as requested by responders, exactly why should anyone be bothered to spend time trying to assist?

the only "mantra" i saw here (and i see alot on the forums lately) was-- "i did it right, it doesn't work, please help me". No way no how is that sufficient information.

Kudos to VM & rastarr for even trying-- i would have quit after the 2nd request for additional information was essentially ignored.

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