I just did an installation (upgrade from 4.5.2 to 4.6.0) and I am experiencing something very weird.

In Firefox, HTMLArea (with last nights release) works awesome.

In IE 6, the HTMArea interface loads and then, the interface grays out and IE users can't enter anything in.

I didn't see anything mentioned like this, but would appreciate some help on it or someone to point me to the correct post.

I have also tested this in several different themes and it displays the same behavior for each. It just loads up and grays out.


mh’s picture

Can you state how many lines are in the text area that your testing?

I see the behaviour you describe for the signature in my account profile (3 lines) but not for the body of a new blog entry (23 lines). The blog entry looks grayed out at first, but when I click in the text area, the buttons become active.

Also, I noticed that the htmlarea buttons in IE have extra spacing between them, whereas in Firefox, there is no spacing. I'm guessing the extra spacing is what is making short textareas effectively unusable.

BTW, I'm using a fresh install of drupal 4.6.0 with htmlarea-4.6.0 and xinha-nightly from today.

gordon’s picture

This is a xinha issue, please raise the issue with http://xinha.python-hosting.com/

Shane Birley’s picture

I am going to post this at the other site, but it doesn't seem to matter how large the text areas are. I was playing with which windows it should edit, and experimented with different sizes, but it didn't seem to matter.

Thanks, Gordon!

Shane Birley’s picture

I thought this was interesting enough to share here:

Description by psyk0999@hotmail.com:

Hi, with IE if doctype is specified xinha cant have focus (if i click on it dont happen nothing) and i can edit the textarea text. if i remove doctype with ie it works perfectly.

With Mozilla, FF, Netscape it hasnt problems.
