Virtual sites offers almost the same (and more) functionality as the Drupal multi-site feature without the need for FTP or SSH. Depending on conditions (e.g. requested url or user role) handeld by the Condition(s) module, you can override theme, site information, menu's and more to virtually present the visitor with a different website.

What it can do

  • Create virtual sites with different theme, site information, menu's etcetera.
  • No need for FTP or SSH, like with Drupal's multi-site feature.
  • Determine when to show what site based on (sub)domain, path, user role, taxonomy or any other condition.
  • Add custom conditions by writing a plug-in for the condition module.
  • Add custom virtual site features by writing a plug-in.

Features a virtual site can have

Each virtual site can override (of your default Drupal site) the following settings:

  • Set the source for the primary links
  • Set the source for the secondary links
  • Set the default site language
  • Force a base URL (e.g. domain)
  • Add HTML, JS and CSS to the page template
  • Set all site information settings (admin/settings/site-information) like name, slogan and front-page
  • Set theme
  • Set all theme-specific settings (admin/build/themes/settings/theme) like logo and even settings offered by the theme itself
  • Any Drupal variable, using the easy INI syntax.

What it cannot do

For the following settings you'd still need Drupal's multi-site feature:

  • Database URL (DSN).
  • Table prefix(es).
  • PHP configuration and cookie_domain.
  • String overrides.