I'm playing around with the date filter(s) to try to make a more flexible, easier to use method. I played around with trying to get the jQuery calendar picker or some of the pre-configured date select elements in the Date API and had some problems getting them working, but also realized they wouldn't really solve the right problems.

In my mind, the problem is that we have a different filter for every possible way you can filter dates -- by an entire date, by a year, by a month, by a year and a month, with and without offsets, with and without using 'now'. The current UI is a bit awkward, and it's awkward to have so many different filters (that may still not encompass all the right variations), so I started over to try to construct a single flexible date filter that will work for all these situations.

So now I present a group of textfields for year, month, day, hour, minute, and offset. The query should ignore blank values and filter for filled-in values. You can put 'now' into any of them for the current value, and put something like '+1 day' into the offset to adjust the value by that amount.

Attached is a screen shot and a patch of where I have gotten so far (and so far I have not tried to do anything to the query, I'm just trying to get the UI working). It works exactly as I want in the Views UI, selecting 'between' gives you two date arrays, other options give you a single one. But it doesn't work right when I expose it, so I need help getting that part working.

If this looks good and someone can help me getting this to work right in the exposed filter, I'll work on the back end, getting the right adjustments into the query for the selected options.

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KarenS’s picture

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Did a little more work on this. It now saves and displays the values correctly. Everything looks and works as I want in the Views UI (screenshot1) but when using it as an exposed filter the display is all wrong and the ajax doesn't work to swap out the unneeded values -- I get all three date arrays, 'value', 'min', and 'max' (screenshot2).

Attached is the latest patch.

KarenS’s picture

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I played around with another way of doing this using drop-down selectors because they make it easier to see what your options are. Again, it looks just right in the Views UI, but not in the exposed view, which doesn't even pick up the selectors and turns everything back into textfields.

merlinofchaos’s picture

So there appears to be one problem with your approach that the approach I went with specifically deals with:

It doesn't cache well.

The reason I did kind of weird things with strtotime is so that I can get a calculation against ***CURRENT_TIME*** in there, which will be filled in at run time. That way, it doesn't matter if the query was generated 5 weeks ago. If that is NOT in there, then the time the query is generated will determine what 'now' is, not the time the query was run.

At the moment, query caching isn't re-implemented, but this was a feature in Views 1 and I do plan to re-introduce it once everything else is clean.

I couldn't figure out a good way to do this that didn't involve actually selecting something to let the parser know if it was an offset or not.

Well, reading through this patch, I'm not actually sure that's a weakness in your patch. I'm actually having a little trouble following the diff (it's still early for me, no coffee yet =) so I'm not actually sure where the date calculation is happening.

KarenS’s picture

There's *no* date calculation in this patch, this is just creating a way to select a variety of filter values and I'm trying to get the selector to work the same in the exposed filter as it does in the UI. The way this behaves in the UI is exactly what I want it to do.

The diff is hard to read, so to make it easier, I'm changing views_handler_filter_date to this:

class views_handler_filter_date extends views_handler_filter_numeric {
  function date_parts($limit = array()) {
    $parts =  array(
      'year' => t('Year'), 'month' => t('Month'), 'day' => t('Day'),
      'hour' => t('Hour'), 'minute' => t('Minute'), 'second' => t('Second'),
      'offset' => t('Offset'),
    if (!empty($limit)) {
      foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
        if (!in_array($key, $limit)) {
    return $parts;

  function date_factory($source, $which, $value, $operator_value) {
    $parts = array('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'offset');
    foreach ($this->date_parts($parts) as $key => $name) {
      $max = 1;
      switch ($key) {
        case 'month':
          $max = 12;
        case 'day':
          $max = 31;
        case 'hour':
          $max = 23;
        case 'minute':
          $max = 59;
        case 'second':
          $max = 59;
      $options = array('' => '', 'now' => 'now');
      $options += drupal_map_assoc(range(1, $max));
      $form[$key] = array(
        '#title' => $name,
        '#type' => $key == 'year' || $key == 'offset' ? 'textfield' : 'select',
        '#size' => $key == 'offset' ? 20 : ($key == 'year' ? 6 : 1),
        '#default_value' => isset($value[$key]) ? $value[$key] : '',
        '#prefix' => '<div style="float:left;margin-right:-20px;padding:0">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
      if ($key != 'offset' && $key != 'year') {
        $form[$key]['#options'] = $options;
      if ($which == 'all') {
        $dependency = array(
          '#process' => array('views_process_dependency'),
          '#dependency' => array($source => $this->operator_values($operator_value)),
        $form[$key] += $dependency;
    $form['#prefix'] = '<div class="views-left-75">';
    $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
    return $form;

  function admin_summary() {
    $labels = $this->date_parts();
    $output = check_plain($this->operator) . ' ';
    if (in_array($this->operator, $this->operator_values(2))) {
      $min = array();
      $max = array();
      foreach ($this->value['min'] as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          $min[] = $labels[$key] .'='. $value;
      foreach ($this->value['max'] as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          $max[] = $labels[$key] .'='. $value;
      $min = implode(', ', $min);
      $max = implode(', ', $max);
      $output .= t('@min and @max', array('@min' => $min, '@max' => $max));
    else {
      $values = array();
      foreach ($this->value['value'] as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          $values[] = $labels[$key] .'='. $value;
      $values = implode(', ', $values);
      $output .= check_plain($values);
    return $output;

   * Add a type selector to the value form
  function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::value_form($form, $form_state);

    $form['value']['#tree'] = TRUE;

    // We have to make some choices when creating this as an exposed
    // filter form. For example, if the operator is locked and thus
    // not rendered, we can't render dependencies; instead we only
    // render the form items we need.
    $which = 'all';
    if (!empty($form['operator'])) {
      $source = ($form['operator']['#type'] == 'radios') ? 'radio:options[operator]' : 'edit-options-operator';

    if (!empty($form_state['exposed'])) {
      if (empty($this->options['expose']['operator'])) {
        // exposed and locked.
        $which = in_array($this->operator, $this->operator_values(2)) ? 'minmax' : 'value';
      else {
        $source = 'edit-' . form_clean_id($this->options['expose']['operator']);
    if ($which == 'all' || in_array($which, array_keys($this->date_parts()))) {
      $form['value']['value'] = $this->date_factory($source, $which, $this->value['value'], 1);
    $form['value']['min'] = $this->date_factory($source, $which, $this->value['min'], 2);
    $form['value']['max'] = $this->date_factory($source, $which, $this->value['max'], 2);
    $form['value']['description'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<div class="views-left-75"><div class="form-item"><div class="description">',
      '#suffix' => '</div></div></div>',
      '#value' => t('Blank values do no filtering, \'now\' filters for the current value, \'Offset\' adds a adjustment like \'+1 day\' to the input value. For instance, setting the Year to 2008 and the month to 4 and leaving everything else blank will filter for all dates in April 2008; setting the month to \'now\' and leaving everything else blank will filter for the current month in all years.'));

  function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
    //parent::options_validate($form, $form_state);
    // TODO

  function op_between($field) {
    // TODO

  function op_simple($field) {
    // TODO
KarenS’s picture

42.22 KB

Just an update in case you're getting close to making a new release and are interested in including this, I figured out my problem with the exposed widget and nearly have this working now.

I have created a flexible, customizable date filter where you can decide what date parts you want to filter on (and expose as options) so you can filter by year and month, a complete date, month only, or any other combination; set either a value or a from/to range; add in an adjustment like "+1 day" in addition to whatever else has been selected; and intelligently handle dates in datetime or iso format as well as timestamps (for that I'm probably going to require modules that want to use this to declare a date type in the filter array).

Once I have this working, I want to do the same with the date arguments to create a single, configurable date argument that works in the same way.

KarenS’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review
46.94 KB

Here's a patch that does the following:

1) Pulls the previous cross-database date SQL into a new date handling class and adds to it other functions that are used for creating date filters and arguments.

2) Replaces the existing date filter with a new flexible filter that has a settings button so you can decide exactly what granularity you want to filter on, with drop-down selectors for all the selected date parts.

3) Adds a new flexible date argument that allows you to select the granularity of the argument so you can use it to do YYYY or YYYY-MM or whatever. This eliminates the need for special one-off arguments for each possible date/field combination and makes it easy to add arguments for other dates.

4) Adds information to the admin panel to make it easy to see how date filters and arguments are configured and what granularity is being used.

5) Fixes a bug in the current code where the argument groupby is grouping by the entire date even if a partial date is used for the filter (which can create duplicate rows for the same day) by overriding the summary handling to create the correct groupby for the granularity of the date.

This should work for any date type. Timestamps are the default, but adding a 'date_type' value of 'datetime' or 'iso' to the $data array will provide enough information to make the date filter and argument work for those types, too.

The 'Week' option is not yet implemented, but any other combination should work correctly.

This is a big patch, but I added the new code at the bottom instead of in the middle of other things to make it easier to read.

If you decide you're not interested in this, I'll add it to the Date module instead, but I think it would be very handy for all date fields.

merlinofchaos’s picture

I had a busy weekend and then got sick afterwards, so I haven't touched this in awhile, but I did glance at your last patch briefly and it looks interesting. I'm definitely interested in having this stuff because it makes all dates better.

merlinofchaos’s picture

Ok, so in principle this is good. However, I'm a little concerned about doing in-database date conversions unnecessarily; in particular, once you start with date conversions, you can lose indexing. And sometimes these conversions are necessary; but if I've entered a single date, it seems like the database will be a lot better off if we're doing simple comparisons where we can, rather than doing a lot of extractions. Now, sometimes we'll have to do those extracts but it's now clear we'll have two.

Second: There needs to be a simple way to do simple now offsets. The extra gadgets here seem to be great if you know what date you're picking, but the how 'now' and the offset will interact are confusing.

How do I say "within the last 2 months", for example?

KarenS’s picture

The widget should allow you to do anything -- within the last 2 months would be setting everything to 'now' and the 'to' offset to '+ 2 months'.

However I agree that making a widget that is ultimately flexible is great for doing complex things but makes it harder to do simple things. I'll try to re-work this into a simpler widget for the usual cases and leave the complex ones to some sort of add-on module.

I probably won't get this done right away, but I'll try to get to it as soon as I can.

KarenS’s picture

I've got a simplified date filter and argument working pretty well and will post a patch shortly.

However in testing it I've run into an oddity of the new ajax forms handling that I need help with. We use views_get_timezone() to get the timezone adjustment for our queries, and that function sets the MYSQL database temporarily to use UTC. This works fine in the actual view, but in the preview my results are off by the amount of the timezone adjustment, so I think that isn't getting applied to the ajax query. I use the NOW() function in places and in the preview it's giving me localtime but in the actual view it's giving me UTC time. I'm not sure what to do to get the same results in the preview as I get in the actual view.

Also on that subject, what are we doing about setting the db timezone for postgres? If it isn't set to UTC, too, we're going to get inconsistent results between MYSQL and POSTGRESQL.

KarenS’s picture

Did some digging around and it looks like we want to use "SET TIME ZONE '+00:00'" in postgres to have the same effect as "SET @@session.time_zone = '+00:00'" in MYSQL, so I'll include that change in my patch.

So I think the remaining hurdle is figuring out how to set that in the ajax session.

merlinofchaos’s picture

Hm. It shouldn't be any different in the ajax session that I can think of, unless views_get_timezone() is simply not being called. But that would be really odd. I suppose we could guarantee it by calling it in the preview function in admin.inc if we have to?

KarenS’s picture

Well views_get_timezone() is getting called in the handler, so I guess that is odd since the handler should be processed by both sessions. Maybe it's the static variable that is keeping it from getting into both sessions. I'll play around and see what I can come up with.

KarenS’s picture

I found a fix. It turns out I had the problem backwards -- the preview is getting the timezone right and the regular query was getting it wrong. I added 'SELECT @@session.time_zone' to my query and echoed the results back to be sure what timezone was set when the query was running in both situations.

Anyway I found a simple fix that works -- I add views_get_timezone() right at the beginning of the execute() function of the view class, just before the query gets executed. My code was calling views_get_timezone() while constructing the filter, and maybe something about the filter is cached even if the view itself is not??

Anyway, this is a simple fix that should always work.

I'll include that change in my patch.

merlinofchaos’s picture

How's this coming?

merlinofchaos’s picture

Status: Needs review » Needs work

Setting to CNW until new patch appears.

dww’s picture

Not sure if this effort is still alive, but if so, I wanted to point out #336456: views_handler_filter_date can't handle NULL operators in case that can/will be fixed with this patch, or if it should just be handled separately. Thanks.

BWPanda’s picture

Is this still current? Better date filters are still much needed...

bocky’s picture

it would be great to have this patch for current views (6.x-2.7)

esmerel’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » dawehner
dawehner’s picture

Assigned: dawehner » Unassigned

Puh. This is a huge huge patch.

There is a other patch which moves views_date_sql_field to the query plugin, which is somehow important for the flexibility. I cannot work on it, except during drupalcon.

iamjon’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » dawehner

Assigning to dereine for review.

zilverdistel’s picture


geoffv’s picture

No update for a couple years here, is this still being worked on?

klonos’s picture

Version: 6.x-2.x-dev » 8.x-3.x-dev
Assigned: dawehner » Unassigned

...perhaps if this was against the latest dev and un-assigned from people that aren't actually working on it?

Lendude’s picture

Version: 8.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-3.x-dev
Category: Task » Feature request

Moving to the latest dev version of Views that is not in Core. Really no point in moving this to the D8 Core queue, there are other open issues for dealing with this.

Could probably just close this, but seems like such a waste.