If you know of a module related to XML Sitemap that is not listed here, feel free to edit this page or submit a task with the Documentation category.

Highly recommended

Chaos tool suite
Creates modal dialogs for quick editing of link type settings (screenshot) so you do not even have to leave the XML sitemap settings to change the default inclusion or priority of a content type, menu, vocabulary, etc. Also adds dependent hiding of options for XML sitemap.
This module generates the root directory robots.txt dynamically, which is useful for multisite Drupal installations. XML sitemap will add a line to the robots.txt to direct search engines to the location of your sitemap. See http://sitemaps.org/protocol.php#submit_robots.
Site Verification
This module assists with the site/domain ownership authentication/verification for search engines. There are two types of verification methods supported: adding meta tags, or uploading a specific file.


This module can help track when search engines visit your content. It doesn't actually integrate with XML sitemap, but its a useful feature to know when search engines are visiting your sitemap.
Vertical tabs
This module helps collapse the fieldsets on the admin/settings/xmlsitemap page down using vertical tabs (screenshot). The module also helps collapse the node edit form fieldsets, including the XML sitemap node settings fieldset when xmlsitemap_node.module is enabled.


filipes’s picture


how does one enable modal dialogs in XML Sitemap as is shown in the screenshot above?

I have installed XML Sitemap and Chaos tool suite modules, but haven't found any way to enable it. I tried to search and search the answer on the net, but without succcess.

Do I have to code it?


photolimo’s picture

How do you do this?