
I tried to save a node using SWX but it's not working.
The result shows that the node was saved, but when I check in Drupal it shows that the node is empty (no title, no body, nothing).

Here's the code I wrote.

import org.swxformat.SWX;
var swx:SWX = new SWX();
swx.gateway = "http://localhost/drupal_test/services/swx";
swx.encoding = "GET";
swx.debug = true;

var callParameters:Object = {
	args:['node.load', [2]], 
	result:[this, resultHandler], 

var callParametersSave:Object = {
	args:['node.save', [_root.node]],
	result:[this, saveResultHandler],
	fault:[this, saveFaultHandler]

function resultHandler(event:Object) {
	// assign loaded node
	_root.node = event.result;
	// set args for new save request
	callParametersSave.args = ['node.save', [_root.node]];

function saveResultHandler(event:Object) {

function saveFaultHandler(event:Object) {

Any help is appreciated.


timosea’s picture

Component: Miscellaneous » Code

Did you find a solution to this node save issue?

I have a very similar problem and can not work it out either, i thought it was a permissions problem, so created the following script (as2) to test this theory.

My demo user can edit node 111 from drupal, so thought if create a session and log that user in load node 111 then modify the title and save it, it should work, but guess I'm still doing something wrong; the non-existent session fault msg at the end is kind of concerning too!

Help would be most welcome;)

import org.swxformat.SWX;
_root.createTextField ("status",0,0,0,240,320)
var swx:SWX = new SWX();
swx.gateway = "http://www.mysite.com/services/swx";
swx.encoding = "GET";
swx.debug = true;
swx.timeout = 10;
var callConnection:Object = {serviceClass:"Drupal", method:"callService", args:['system.connect',['0']], result:[this, connectionHandler], timeout:[this, timeoutHandler], fault:[this, faultHandler]};
var sessionid = ""
function connectionHandler(event:Object) {
	sessionid = event.result.sessid
	status.text = "Session ID: "+sessionid
	var callLoginScript:Object = {serviceClass:"Drupal", method:"callService", args:['user.login', [sessionid,'demo','demo']], result:[this, loginHandler], timeout:[this, timeoutHandler], fault:[this, faultHandler]};
var NodeID = 0
function loginHandler(event:Object) {
	NodeID = 111 //just a standard story node that the demo user can modify from drupal
	status.text += "\r\rUser: "+event.result.user.name+"\rsession id: "+event.result.sessid
	var callGetNode:Object = {serviceClass:"Drupal", method:"callService", args:['node.load', [sessionid,NodeID]], result:[this, nodeHandler], timeout:[this, timeoutHandler], fault:[this, faultHandler]};
var nodeobj:Object = new Object()
function nodeHandler(event:Object) {
	nodeobj = event.result
	status.text += "\rnode nid: "+nodeobj.nid
	status.text += "\rnode type: "+nodeobj.type
	status.text += "\rnode title: "+nodeobj.title
	nodeobj.title += " UPDATED BY SWX"
	var callUpdateNode:Object = {serviceClass:"Drupal", method:"callService", args:['node.save', [sessionid, nodeobj]], result:[this, confirmUpdateHandler], timeout:[this, timeoutHandler], fault:[this, faultHandler]};
function confirmUpdateHandler(event:Object) {
	nodeobj= event.result
	status.text += "\r\rconfirmUpdateHandler"
	status.text +="\rrresult = "+event.result
	status.text += "\rUPDATED:\rnode title: "+nodeobj.title
	var callLogOut:Object = {serviceClass:"Drupal", method:"callService", args:['user.logout', [sessionid]], result:[this, logOutHandler], timeout:[this, timeoutHandler], fault:[this, faultHandler]};
function LogOutHandler(){
		status.text += "\r\rLOGGED OUT"
function timeoutHandler(event:Object) {
	status.text += "Call timed out!";
function faultHandler(event:Object) {
	status.text += "\r\rError:"+event.fault.message
/*My demo user can update story nodes via drupal but i still get the following out from flash (as2):
Session ID: b69ffd5d79d92b11abca23a29ee39a72

User: demo
session id: b69ffd5d79d92b11abca23a29ee39a72
node nid: 111
node type: story
node title: Under Construction

rresult = Access denied.
node title: undefined

Error:Error 2: session_encode() [<a href='function.session-encode'>function.session-encode</a>]: Cannot encode non-existent session. in /home/mysite/public_html/modules/_3rdparty/services/services.module, line 615.
bassam’s picture

Sorry man, no luck.

I ended up creating a new service that takes multiple parameters and then I save the node using node_save().

Please report back if you figured something out.

Best of luck.

timosea’s picture

Sorry about the delay, in posting back, I'm on drupal stuff on regularly irregular bases.

In the end after trying most of the other services modules I end up using the built in xmlrpc service combined with mattism as2 classes which work seamlessly with flashlite3 until wanted save cck fields; in the end I hacked the mattism classes to allow pre-formatted xml strings through for cck fields.