After recommending Drupal to a friend who had stuck with boastMachine for a long time, he told me there was hardly any way for importing all of his content and child comments to Drupal without going one by one. There seemed to be a half working script somewhere that he tried out (I couldn't find it) but ended up stuck with loads of php errors.

So I took a look and made a bunch of php scripts that do the trick. I wrote them for Drupal 6.x and boastmachine version 3.1 with php 5.2.5 and MySQL 5.0.51a. They should work on >php4 (Drupal recommends 5.2 or higher) and all MySQL versions (although Drupal 6 only supports >MySQL 4.1). What they do is export all the entries from two of boastmachine's database' tables ('comments' and 'posts') and import them into four of Drupal's ('comments', 'node', 'node_comment_statistics' and 'node_revisions'), so that all content gets ported.

The script is divided in 8 files (keep them in the same folder), with 'migrate.php' as the central one. This is the one to edit and execute via browser. Before you do so, make a clean Drupal installation. Then add the content type you wish to import all posts to and enter its name into 'migrate.php'. Also, both databases need to be on the same MySQL.

Plenty of settings are modifiable. Feel free to use this as a template for your own script as long as you stick to the (CC) licence. Contact me via reply or through the info on my user profile page (filiptc).

If you want to see the script's progress while executing, you need to disable output buffering (either in php.ini or in .htaccess).

Download script files in .zip