Several users of the Links package asked us to provide a conversion from that package to Web Links. We are happy to announce that this is now available as an add-on module that is distributed with the 5.x version (only) of Web Links.

There are also now converters for Janode and LinksDB. They all operate pretty much the same, except these two do not destroy the old data.

A few words of caution are required:

We strongly urge you to:

  1. Test this on a test site first.
  2. Put your site into Maintenance Mode to prevent additional content from being created.
  3. Back up your site - this is a destructive conversion.
  4. Disable the conversion module after fully converting.
  5. Disable the Links package after converting.

We use node_load and node_save to convert your "weblink" to "weblinks." This means that this is a one-way street. After the conversion is complete the "weblink" content is GONE! The only way to get it back is to restore the database backup.

Web Links uses a single vocabulary, but Links may use many. You should revisit your Web Links settings page (Administer >> Site configuration >> Web Links or admin/settings/weblinks) to determine which vocabulary is to be used after the conversion. The Web Links overview page may be useful in updating the groups (taxonomy terms) used by Web Links on individual links.