great module
can you integrate the friendlist module and flag content module ?


zilla’s picture

user relationships is much more dynamic - as for flag content, do you really want to have users seeing activity like "jim flagged article X for the admin" etc..? i was thinking the *exact* same thing but then decided against it...if you really want dynamic flagging, then consider the already integrated flag module, for which you can create the same action (flag content for admin) and also build out bookmarking notifications and so on...

jaydub’s picture

The flag content module does not current have an API hook
upon flag add/delete to allow other modules such as Activity
to create flag content records. If the module author adds in
an API hook then it can be added to Activity as a contrib

Babalu’s picture

ok, i'm now using flag
but when you can integrate friendlist module, that would be nice

jaydub’s picture

Title: module integrations » module integration requests
Component: User interface » Activity Contrib
Category: support » feature
jaydub’s picture

Title: module integration requests » Friendlist integration
igorik’s picture


friend list is now much more dynamic and probably better as similar buddies modules, and friend list is developing really fast.
please take a look on it.


4drian’s picture

Agreed - Friendlist is looking very interesting, especially the OpenSocial stuff that the developer is also working on.

chriz001’s picture

i would also like to see this implemented.

Liliplanet’s picture


ivan25’s picture


gallamine’s picture

I'm also interested in a Friendlist integration. Using both Friendlist and UR, I found them to be equally full-featured. If I had the PHP/Druapl skills to do it myself, I would.

acakadut’s picture


mariusooms’s picture

Tracking the progress on this. It would be beneficial for friendlist and a must for its chance for survival with its core maintainer re-prioritizing his Drupal involvement.

On a side not: Now with flag having the ability to flag users, is there an api hook available along side it for activity? Or is this already supported?



michtoen’s picture

i asked at friendlist for integration before i found this:

So, the (new?) devs there are open for an integration.

Having in mind the integration points are taged by the already existing UR module, and there
there hooks for heartbeat it should be possible with not to much work (hopefully...).

droople’s picture

I would use Flag integration for event signups.

One can have the following flags: Attending, maybe attending, will not attend

So in activity wil have: Joe Bloggs is attending [event title]
Katie Pages will no longer be attending [event title] (if had previously been flagged as attending

mercmobily’s picture


I am the original author of FriendList.
I ust read in the latest Activity:

* Permissions can be provided for display by any sort of user relationship
type modules, such as Flag friend, User Relationships, Friendlist, etc.

I would like to make myself totally available to write and test code to make Activity compatible with FriendList. I will try to provide ready-to-go patches if you like.

Activity 2.0 looks _fantastically promising_ and would like to do my best to see it succeed.


sirkitree’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.x-dev » 6.x-2.x-dev
Issue tags: +activity2-integration

Thanks Tony,

As this issue is 6.x-1 and further features will most likely not be going into it, I'm changing the version.

If you take a look at how flag_friend implements the current Activity2 hooks, I'm sure you'll be able to integrate it fairly easily. As always I'm available for questions.

mercmobily’s picture

Project: Activity » FriendList
Version: 6.x-2.x-dev » 6.x-1.x-dev
Component: Activity Contrib » Code


OK. Shall I move this to FriendList's queue rather than Activity queue?
I am asking because I might end up forgetting about it, and it's really up to me to code this one...

OK moving :D Hope you don't mind ah!


mercmobily’s picture

Title: Friendlist integration » ActivityLog 2 integration


Changed title so that it makes sense in FL's queue ah :D


DizzyC’s picture

Oh, yes please!
Perfect timing! I was just going to start hacking something together to support some kind of friend mini feeds for friendlist as i need this on a current project. I love the friendlist module but it seams like friend feeds is a must for any social network user profile nowadays.
This will probably be a great benefit for friendlist too, as it is a further step to the most complete user relation module out there :)
I can't wait for the integration and will be in the first wave of beta testers :)

PS: If my gratitude is not clear yet, thanks a lot to the maintainers of both modules!

mercmobily’s picture


Thank you DozzyC :D


mercmobily’s picture


OK, I gave this a first stab -- about 1.5 hours, and 0 lines of code!!!

It's a hard one for me hey, especially since I don't know much about the trigger API. I didn't even know there was a hook_hook_info() in Drupal core!!!

Sirkitree, I don't suppose I could humbly ask you to pick your brain on this one a little bit? I quick 15 minute IM/IRC session will clarify pretty much anything on my end... if you can't do it, that's all good, honestly, I'll figure things out!

Let me know either way :D


DizzyC’s picture

Still no luck? :)

mercmobily’s picture


I talked to Sirkitree, with his help I can do this easily. But, I am VERY busy now as I am getting ready to go to London (from Australia!). So... it might happen when I am in London -- sorry!


DarrellHQ’s picture

I hope to see this feature added soon as because it is a very important feature especially now that most other important activity is tracked.

Scott Reynolds’s picture

Subscribing and I committed one change to the api recently. #491516: Remove flag_friend_activity_access_api() and extend flag_friend_activity_info(). There are notes right there for making flag friend work work with that small api change.

We should also consider making the activity integration Universal Relationships API powered. But not sure thats going to be clean enough. With UR for instance, you can have friends or followers. So those require different access controls. Going to have to take another pass at Universal Relationships API

Also take a look at #445698: Default view for activity2. It needs a fresh coat of paint but Im looking to finish that one by end of next week.

mercmobily’s picture

Title: Activity2 integration » ActivityLog 2 integration

Hi Scott,

First of all, please keep in mind that although I developed FriendList and I am supposed to be "good"... well, I am not.
It took me a _lot_ of time and effort to get FL right -- and a lot of help from WebChick.

This is just so that you don't have high expectations... I feel a bit nervous when I talk to people who (unlike me with Drupal) actually know what they are talking about!

Scott, both in UR and FL you can have "one-way" (followeds) and "two-way" (friends) relationships. The Unviersal API caters for that withuot any problems.

However, I must admit I hadn't even thought about using the Unviersal API to do it! Right now, I am still a little bit confused in terms of what's actually necessary for any friends module to do in order to work with Activity. I am even more confused by Triggers (I had NEVER seen them before!) which seem to be one of the requirements (what about Rules? I spent ages getting Rules "as right as possible", and now Triggers...?!? :D ).

In principle, I think it's a _great_ idea to implement the Activity side of the story through the Unversal API. I want to have a messenger chat with sirkitree (who is also one of those guys who knows what he's talking about :D ) to clarify the whole trigger/etc mess (that's in my brain, not in the code) and go from there.

Sounds like a plan?


[Edited: fixed "Activity Log" -> "Activity" :D

Scott Reynolds’s picture

Title: ActivityLog 2 integration » Activity2 integration

;-) its not Activity Log

nilo’s picture


DizzyC’s picture

Title: ActivityLog 2 integration » Activity2 integration

has this request been abandoned?

mercmobily’s picture


Nope. I am just focussing on bgs at the moment.
This is the first request I will fulfill -- I am working on a different contract this week...
