I made a fresh installation of drupal 4.6.3, I uploaded the mysql table correctly, but I get an "Internal server error" when I try to access my site.

The exact message is:

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, postmaster@enocommerce.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

I read in the support forum that it may be due to .htaccess, so I tried to comment out the suggested commands; I also deleted it altogether, but the error message remained the same (it is currently deleted).

My site is enocommerce.com.

I checked my database from PHP and it works fine.

Here is my phpinfo page.
Here is my setting.php (I did not touch anything beside $db_url and $base_url):

$db_url = 'mysql://db_user:db_password@db_url/db_name;
$db_prefix = '';

 * Base URL:
 * The URL of your website's main page. It is not allowed to have
 * a trailing slash; Drupal will add it for you.$base_url = 'http://www.enocommerce.com/www';
$base_url = 'http://www.enocommerce.com/drupal-4.6.3';

 * PHP settings:
 * To see what PHP settings are possible, including whether they can
 * be set at runtime (ie., when ini_set() occurs), read the PHP
 * documentation at http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.php#ini.list
 * and take a look at the .htaccess file to see which non-runtime
 * settings are used there. Settings defined here should not be
 * duplicated there so as to avoid conflict issues.
ini_set('arg_separator.output',     '&');
ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime',     0);
ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase',      0);
ini_set('session.cache_expire',     200000);
ini_set('session.cache_limiter',    'none');
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime',  2000000);
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime',   200000);
ini_set('session.save_handler',     'user');
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid',    0);

I do not have access to the Apache logs.


ulwen’s picture


I have the same problem where I have installed Drupal.
Have you solved it?
Doesn't seem to be any solutions posted in the forum.


pdarvell’s picture

Firstly - hello all, this is my first post here!

I have had the same issue as Logico & Ulwen. Has anyone found out the solution for this one or have any suggestions?



he_who_shall_not_be_named’s picture

Check if your .htaccess file is correctly installed. Rename it and see if your site works.


pdarvell’s picture

Thanks vrencianz.

I have removed the .htaccess file and it now works. Therefore it appears you were right and it was not correctly installed.

What do I need to do to install it properly?


he_who_shall_not_be_named’s picture

You must correct it.
Or, send me or paste your .htaccess code here. I'll take a look into it.


pdarvell’s picture

What do I need to check to correct it?

I have used the standard .htaccess file that is in the download and have not made any changes.

I did try commenting out lines as described in another posting regarding a similiar issue. However, that did not work so I have just put the original file back.


he_who_shall_not_be_named’s picture

<Files ~ "(\.(inc|module|pl|sh|sql|theme|engine|xtmpl)|Entries|Repositories|Root|scripts|updates|cron.php)$">
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all

# Set some options.
Options -Indexes
Options +FollowSymLinks

# Customized error messages.
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php

php_value magic_quotes_gpc          0
php_value register_globals          0
php_value session.auto_start        0
php_value session.save_handler      "user"
php_value session.use_cookies       1
php_value session.cache_limiter     "none"

# Reduce the time dynamically generated pages are cache-able.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  ExpiresByType text/html A1

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  # Rewrite current-style URLs of the form 'index.php?q=x'.
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]


he_who_shall_not_be_named’s picture

I removed this post

yesme’s picture

Dear vrenciaz,

I have the same problem. When I remove .htaccess file, my site works but search tool doesn't work. So I think that the problem is in .htaccess file.
And I've tried your .htaccess but my site doesn't work.

I use a free host at www.free.fr

Pls help me,

janner1’s picture

I had a similar problem but found that things started working when I removed the .htaccess file. Played around with it for a bit and found that the following lines were causing the problem:

# Set some options.
Options -Indexes
Options +FollowSymLinks

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php

I just restored the original .htaccess, deleted those lines.

stoltoguzzi’s picture

had the same problem, your fix worked for me.
But what this means for the drupal installation, will some function not work now?

moking’s picture


I am trying 4.7.0 on free hosting of awardspace.com.

Your solution worked!

Now I am getting the "out of memory" issue. lukin into dat...

janlazar’s picture

I did commented this line, and it's working

# # Multiviews creates problems with aliased URLs and is not needed for Drupal.
# Options -Multiviews

jabba_29’s picture

If may well be worth checking your server error logs if you have access to them. Some hosts don't allow PHP dirivatives in .htaccess for example - that would thow 500 error if you put ant php_value type stuff in there.




aacircle’s picture

I have the same problem described in this thread. I've tried renaming the .htaccess, removing it, re-uploading the original all to no avail.

Does anyone know what needs to be done?

aacircle’s picture

All is fine now... got it working. Had the wrong settings in the settings.php file.

StevenSokulski’s picture

My site throws me an Internal Server Error if the .htaccess file is there and if I remove the file I get 404 Errors. The 404 error message leads me to belive that Drupal is going after files with clean urls and without .htaccess there to assist in the rewriting the site is useless.

I've uploaded the .htaccess straight out of 4.6.5 and it doesn't solve the problem. However, I am currently running 4.6.3. I can't imagine there is any change between the two files but if you feel that may cause it and you happen to have the 4.6.3 .htaccess let me know.

I'm out of ideas on this one...I've contacted my host and asked for access to logs and for them to look over my .htaccess for problems so I'm waiting to hear back from them.

If you've got any ideas please let me know.

Also, I want to try turning off clean urls but I don't know the url of the page to go to. Can you let me know what that is? Or is there some way of turning it off from outside the site if I can't login?


krahe’s picture

hi, i had also the problem. i fixed it with:

<VirtualHost ip:port>
<Directory "put here you path from the root directory">
AllowOverride All

the .htaccess will override the predefined apache config. some server admins do not allow that.


lissa’s picture

hello there, i had the same problem too. i removed the .htaccess file, it worked.. however it sucks that i can't use clean urls.. tried ur code but it still doesn't work. i am a total newbie with this stuff and maybe i did it wrongly. the part where "put here your path from the root directory" i put there /wwwroot. can u specify which of your codes that i need to replace and some examples maybe?
or is it because i'm using windows hosting?

brunodbo’s picture

I asked my host to enable .htaccess use for rewritings url's. it appears he only allows me to do what I asked for with .htaccess. I removed everything except the IfModule mod_rewrite.c part, and it works fine now.

kiev1.org’s picture

even if syntax of yours .htaccess correct that such mistake arises if you wish to redefine ini-variables which change forbidden by global adjustment apache - simply comment lines and find which causes this mistake

uttamhoode’s picture

hi all,
i was getting internal server error.....i removed .httaccess file and it started working..

DRUPAL rocks

uttam hoode

fudge714’s picture

I've just done a fresh install of drupal 4.6.5 for the first time.
I've followed all instructions to install - the only one I couldn't was the grant all privileges mysql command - my server wouldn't allow it.
I'm also getting a 500 Internal Server Error. And have weird things happening with the .htaccess file. Whenever I upload it (filezilla), it appears on the server for a second and then it disappears again. Is this maybe my server having some special script to remove .htaccess files?
I don't have access to my error logs or anything, and I'd prefer not to bug my host as I'm just testing drupal out in a subdirectory and they're giving me free hosting for something else in the main.
Any ideas?

fudge714’s picture

I'm an idiot, set filezilla to show hidden files on the remote server, and it was there.
Have tried removing it, renaming it, commenting out all the lines, uncommenting the line referring to the subdirectory. Nothing seems to work thats been suggested, always get the same 500 Internal Server Error.
please help...

westenkirchner’s picture

Same problem - so I deleted all drupal files - I will never ever try to use it again - let be warned...

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache/2.0.53 (Fedora)

westenkirchner’s picture

I solved my Internal Server 500 Error

1. write an empty file and name it .htaccess
2. upload this empty .htaccess file to your server
3. forget drupal

Heine’s picture

Don't blame Drupal for your inability to configure Apache.

It can be difficult to do, but people here are willing to help. That is, if you are willing to work as well.

sanjith’s picture

hey i am also getting the same problem !
Plz guid me to solve it!

Actually I need to upload a image with some content ! so I had used the cck & other modules !
It's working under windows
but in linux the files uploaded but preview not available ! PLZ guid me

Zen’s picture

This has nothing to do with Drupal and all to do with Apache being mis-configured. Apache is not Drupal, so please stop with the FUD.

And you can just delete the .htaccess file..


StevenSokulski’s picture

I'm sorry to hear that this issue has driven some people away from Drupal. This issue took me about 3 days to resolve on one of my sites, but that three days was well worth having such a solid CMS to run my site and not having to start over from scratch.

For those that haven't given up, hang in there. Its well worth it.

ninja@yaw-yan.com’s picture

What an idiot, do you think if you use other CMS, things will go smoothly with your settings.

1. Drupal has nothing to do with it.
2. It's all your webhosting company's fault.
3. Drupal Rocks!!!
4. Your an idiot.

Heine’s picture

Please do not resurrect older threads with random commentary.


  • This is nor the firefox forum nor slashdot.org; though I admire the love you seem to feel for Drupal, please restrain yourself
  • When using the contraction of you are in combination with idiot and / or moron, better use you're

Enjoy Drupal & your time on the forum

neo11yu’s picture

I had same problem and I want to share my solution.
I had local installation of Drupal and needed to upload it on server. It didnt work on server.
Problem was in .htaccess...

# Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory and
# the rewrite rules are not working properly.
RewriteBase /

On my local installation, drupal wasnt in root directory, so I had to add here path to it. When I uploaded it to server, it was in root so this line had to be removed :P

Just wanted to contribute... :P

jan68’s picture

The post may be old but newbies like me still benefit from it :-) ...

uncommenting the line "RewriteBase /" worked for me too

sakaianakdalam’s picture

uncomment Rewrite / work for me .

***dont blaime if u dont know hwo u realy must blame.

solving and fine way to solving . is the best solution rather than blame on something :)

Rasman’s picture

This has taken me 45 mins to solve, tried all the other tips in this thread.

I established that the problem was in the .htaccess file around the line

# Various rewrite rules.

RewriteEngine on

Thanks to one of the latest posts, I added

RewriteBase /

below - and that has fixed the problem. Code now looks like this.

# Various rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteBase /
ryantollefson’s picture


With my Drupal 6 install running from a subdirectory I had to uncomment the "RewriteBase /" line in the .htaccess file and now all is well. :)

lucidD’s picture

The "RewriteBase /" solution by Rasman saved me a serious headache. Thank you so much!

marcel.klimo’s picture

thanks so much, man ... I though I was about to call my hosting company and cancel my subscription because it was acting up again ... you're a lifesaver :)

charisjane’s picture

Genius! Thank you.

emancipator’s picture

I have tried the solutions above and it still doesn't work.

I have just untarred drupal 6.3 and restored the original .htaccess and it doesn't even go to the installation page, it just shows 500 internal server error.

Any help is appreciated.

elfinstrider’s picture

Just now trying to install Drupal 6.6 on Parallels Pro / RHEL . . . Fresh install, full privilages on a machine that's installed Mambo and Wordpress without a hitch.

Nothing but 500 ISE all the way.

I've tried changing permissions, removing .htaccess, editing the .htaccess and playing with various php.ini issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. . .

alfinsi’s picture

Open the .htccess file, remark or comment 2 lines, so the script to be like this;

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
#Options -Indexes (1. remark/comment in here)

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
#Options +FollowSymLinks (2. remark/comment in here)

So the problem solve :)

Mamoun’s picture

Sorry for the bump but I was having the same problem right after I have uploaded my site from localhost to the live production server and your solution made the error vanishes, thanks!

R1ch1ew’s picture

Hi these lines worked for me on the Easily UK's new servers (account opened August 09)

Open the .htccess file, remark or comment 2 lines, so the script to be like this;

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
#Options -Indexes (1. remark/comment in here)

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
#Options +FollowSymLinks (2. remark/comment in here)

So the problem solve :)

Thanks for all the helpful comments, so glad I've not given up!

BDeed’s picture

Running 7.2 fresh install same issue. This worked for me.

betancourt’s picture

Thanx for the help Rasman, it worked for me when I migrated my site to another server (Drupal 6.15).

rabidrabbit’s picture

I had migrated from a test site where drupal was installed in the /drupal folder to a live site where drupal was installed in /. Changing the rewrite base from /drupal to / solved the problem for me.

nopice’s picture

A big thanks to you!
It helps me to solve the problem. :D

canyonbreeze’s picture

There are several things in the default .htaccess that can trigger these. Some may not show in your error.log but may show up in syslog (if you're using Linux). Then again you may not have access to this file. Most of the problems are caused by some part of the main server configuration or virtual host configuration not allowing something that is in the .htaccess file.

The best way to troubleshoot it is to leave the .htaccess file there but comment out (#) every line. Then remove the comments from each part until your trigger the error. Once you know what triggers it then you can ask a specific question on how to fix it and someone will have the answer.


RJW1975’s picture

For me the following sections had to be fully commented out of the standard .htaccess for a clean install of Drupal 6.13 to work. I commented out everything and then uncommented sections to test each part and these are the ones that caused me the error. Many thanks to all for help :o)

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options -Indexes

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php

# Requires mod_expires to be enabled.

# Enable expirations.
ExpiresActive On

# Cache all files for 2 weeks after access (A).
ExpiresDefault A1209600

# Do not cache dynamically generated pages.
ExpiresByType text/html A1

Gutte’s picture

Found problems 3 places to get the 500 error of my website installed on my host:

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options -Indexes


# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks


# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.

php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value register_globals 0
php_value session.auto_start 0
php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass
php_value mbstring.encoding_translation 0

So fixing these with # helps the 500 error, but i have other issues on the site now. Just trying to upload another logo or favicon will not work - it works all well on my own localhost copy. Iv tryed a theme were i can change the color, it destroys the layout of the website at the moment i try accepting changing the color for another.

Regards Anders

afaaro’s picture

Mine was this

# Protect files and directories from prying eyes.

# Order allow,deny

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
# Options -Indexes

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
# Options +FollowSymLinks

# Make Drupal handle any 404 errors.
# ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

# Force simple error message for requests for non-existent favicon.ico.

# There is no end quote below, for compatibility with Apache 1.3.
ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file favicon.ico was not found.

# Set the default handler.
# DirectoryIndex index.php

# Requires mod_expires to be enabled.

# Enable expirations.
# ExpiresActive On

# Cache all files for 2 weeks after access (A).
# ExpiresDefault A1209600

# Do not cache dynamically generated pages.
# ExpiresByType text/html A1

mamasdiner’s picture

I encountered the same problem when upgrading from 6.15 to 6.16.
I tried the above suggestions, uncommenting .htaccess lines, but this didn't work.

I then deleted the .htaccess file which showed me other errors.

I reuploaded the specified files such as the includes and modules folders and the problem went away.

I then reuploaded the .htaccess file and there was no longer the 500 internal server error.

I ran update.php and no problems/errors.

Hope this helps someone.

humanoc’s picture


jalal.nizar@gmail.com’s picture

I just upgrading my website to the Drupal 6.16 and the same Error: Internal Server Error
and I try to do all the above suggestion, but its not work!!

any new idea...

aamin’s picture

Trying to upload to 6.16 and facing the same problem. Tried all the solutions mentioned above for .htaccess - commented a part of the code, uncommented Rewrite Base / , renamed .htaccess, deleted .htaccess replaced the new file with the old (working) .htaccess but it still shows internal server error. what else could it be.

Thanks for the help. Appreciate it

tika’s picture

Awesome! saved me a late night....

Jack Ellis’s picture

I came to this thread because I tried to install drupal for the first time in months. I read through this entire thread and nothing helped me and it turned out it wasn't my htaccess file. I checked my error logs (in cPanel) and it turned out the permissions of index.php and install.php weren't right.

Permissions of index.php and install.php should be 644

Luki_be’s picture

Jack, the permissions indeed can throw this error .... just today i contacted my host and, besides the .htaccess and php.ini corrupt .... reason, they told me that wrong permissions could be the reason: max. permissions allowed is 755 for folders and 644 for files (dunno if that's the case for all hosts, but in my case it is on the apache server). So i did a check and indeed i had some 777 and 664 permissions. After correcting that, the error was solved. So i didn't have to mess with .htaccess or php.ini. The only alteration i still have in my .htaccess file, after reading this discussion is:

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
##Options -Indexes

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
##Options +FollowSymLinks

Don't know if that's still necessary but the problem seems to be solved and changing permissions is a lot easier ...

zareen’s picture

I messed around with this for an hour. Removing the .htaccess file did no good, as did any editing of the file.

Finally thought that I had not uploaded the sites directory as I did not think it necessary. As soon as I uploaded the new default.settings.php from upgrade version (drupal 6.22) everything worked.

No more error! Yes!!

fanzheng’s picture

when I install drupal 7.7 via a url like
it give me 500 Internal Server Error too, but after I visit it using my domain http://timewilltell.me/ the error never shows. maybe should try a URL without special characters

songyh1996’s picture

I use bluehost, and I added a new MIME type for 7zip files, which was: application/x-7z-compressed 7z.
Then I realized in .htaccess file,

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]AddType application/x-7z-compressed 7z

this was written.
I fixed it to:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
AddType application/x-7z-compressed 7z

now it works fine! :D

harman052’s picture

.htaccess file comes by default with drupal's other files and mostly during installation, it cause problem (500: Internal Server Error). Many users fix this problem by renaming or removing this file. My question is, why this file create problem in installation process and does removing / renaming is right way to fix problem?

What is the purpose of this file? What can we do with it?

Thank you in advance... :-)

narcisgirona’s picture

Pardon me for me ignorance but i do not understand why drupal is including this file if the solution is to remove it? It is obvious that the "drupal guys" put it there for a reason, why should we remove it?

I am using subdomains. Firstly i installed drupal on the main domain but later i realised i had to use subdomains (different cities) so i kind of copied the main drupal folder to the subdomain folders, then i created new databases and configured the settings.php files of each subdomain. The .htaccess should be configured some how? and this should be in the subdomains folder or in the root folder? in both places?

Thanks for you help people!

PS: DRUPAL ROCKS! have to admit thou that sometime this drives me crazy.. however it is worth a try! :)