some notes on trying to get drupal 5.12 upgraded to drupal 6 on 1and1
i made a fresh test folder with 5.12

for install i wanted to upgrade:
disabled all modules
reset to garland theme
exported db with Backup and Migrate dropping excess caches

i then imported the db with Backup and Migrate into the test folder

all tested fine, i then upgraded to 6.6.

i installed all new 6.x versions of the modules into the test d6 and re enabled 1 at a time. i would sometimes get db errors and this is where the devel module worked great. you could and "reinstall modules" and this would reset the db for that module and clear up all errors
settings for 1and1 d6

register_globals = 0
memory_limit = 24M

uncomment for clean urls
line 100
RewriteBase /

Add this to force to php5
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

if moving installations and you get 500 or 440 errors it means clean urls was enabled on the drupal you moved and just add
?q= in front of urls to get to clean urls to reset

backup and migrate works great for cleaning out databases
devel module works great for resetting database for modules.


rob_roy’s picture

Experiencing problems with site moved from localhost to 1and1 for online client test.

I have tried above suggestions to attempt to get clean-urls working on 1and1 without success !

Drupal 6,6 is installed in drupal_pm directory with .htaccess mods as suggested except line 97 is uncommented to read

RewriteBase /drupal_pm

Have also tried line 100 variant as well/alternative in addition to RewriteEngine options placed in site root .htaccess to no avail

Site is migrated from localhost test environment to 1and1 for client review and have tried backup and migrate with localhost clean-urls set to enabled and disabled before backup / dump

Can you help ? am I missing something ?


rob_roy’s picture


With Drupal 6.6 installed in sub-directory drupal_pm the following works on 1and1 shared hosting Business Linux package

For reference here's how it's done - many thanks to emjayess Matt Sorenson !

From the post (page search on emjayess to find)

I host some sites using shared hosting (Business Linux Package), so I'm familiar with the control panel. There are some tweaks that you will need to make to Drupal's .htaccess file for other things, but what you are trying to accomplish is much simpler and can be done via 1&1's control panel...

1) log in to the 1&1 control panel
2) go to "domains" or "manage domains"
3) check the box of the domain you are working with (the one you are installing drupal for)
4) click the down-arrow for "destination" and choose "edit destination"
5) you'll see a drop-down chooser listing the folders in your account, so choose "/drupal_pm" (edited)
6) click 'OK'

It may take a few moments for the changes to actually take effect, but now the domain will be pointing directly at the drupal installation folder as you want it to do, without messing with .htaccess! For reference, this is the equivalent of setting up a virtual host in Apache.

The from another post further down

Here's a link to what my .htaccess file looks like for 1&1 Shared Hosting. Mind the highlighted lines:

Update: I should note that adding the PHP5 instruction to .htaccess resolves the default register_globals problem I used to get a lot using 1&1 shared hosting. 1&1's PHP runs as CGI rather than as Apache modules, so none of the conditions are applicable here. Thus, using the PHP5 environment that 1&1 optionally offers will cure your register_globals blues! Here is the 1&1 FAQ reference.

1and1 technical were next to useless and constantly referred to the Drupal forum albeit posts from 2005 and never the correct one !

Once again many thanks !

markspall’s picture

Messed around with this for ages in the past and eventually worked it out through trial and error....

1and1 tech support were of little help!

in .htaccess:

1) comment out the IfModule mod_rewrite.c bit to force the RewriteEngine on

2) change

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]


RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

notice the additional / before index.php

3) comment out the IfModule


then you can set-up clean URL's
