MCSuites is a Hotel in Chios Greece which needed a redesign and an easy way to create NEWS and OFFERS which would display on the first page or be sent with Simplenews Newsletter.

Modules used

- Adminblock, captcha for comments
- google analytics
- i18n with i10n client and translation overview
- simplenews with mimemail and poormanscron
- timymce with imce and customfilter for creating nice layouts for the galleries(more later)
- thickbox for displaying the pictures
- webform for creating the reservation form
- node privacy by role of setting default access on posts
- the maps are custom coded HTML/CSS/javascript (not module)

Custom filter for the image galleries

Custom Filter is a very powerful tool for the developer. I have used it in order to create galleries that display uniformly. In most cases the filter just takes all images in the node and scales them to a specified height (the width is left blank and handled by the browser). Thus the user just needs to upload the images (using imce from within tinyMCE) and put them in order they need to appear and the custom filters handle the proper scaling and css attributes to make them available to thickbox.

The Theme

Is a heavily customized framework (customized mostly in appearance) theme with lots of theme functions overridden in the template.php file which I am not going to enumerate in this post at least

Any comments would be appreciated

Giorgos Kontopoulos


hershel’s picture

Looks very nice. The only comment I could offer would be to consider reducing or removing the large header picture on inside pages, because presently it forces the visitor to scroll down each page.

Other than that, it looks great.

Gallery Robinson
Web Development Specialists