The time has come. We are going to turn off some services on on Wednesday February 18th, 2009 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm UTC (what time is this in your city?) to perform the upgrade of the live site from our current Drupal 5 version to Drupal 6. The downtime is important to make sure that we have all data intact for the upgrade, and new data is not added to the site while a copy of the site is being upgraded. We scheduled a four hour downtime window, so that we can make sure that everything is working properly before we launch the newly upgraded site.

The main site and the CVS repositories are affected by the downtime. You will not be able to view any pages on the main site, and will not be able to commit changes into CVS while the upgrade is running. You will however be able to checkout from CVS, use the groups site, the API reference, the mailing lists, and so on. Thank you for your patience.