A plugin has been created for FCKeditor to upload and play FLV (Flash video) files. This is nice if you just want to upload and embed video into the body of nodes. If you're looking for a simpler way to upload FLV files, I like the Flashnode module, which creates the FLV file as a node.

These notes relate to the following:
Drupal 6.9
fckEditor module version 6.x-1.3-rc7
IMCE module 6.x-1.1
flvPlayer plugin for fckEditor found here:

Be careful if you ever upgrade the fckEditor module, we make changes to some of the files (explained below).
These are also steps to take to use the FLVplayer module combined with the IMCE file browser.

The drupal fckEditor module re-writes the regular fckEditor plugin path with it's own plugin path, where
it stores "drupal friendly" plugins. I found the flvPlayer would not work here (at least not with IMCE).

Step 1: Put the flvPlayer plugin folder into this location:

Step 2: Comment out these lines in the fckeditor.config.js file:
//FCKConfig.PluginsPath = '../../plugins/' ;
//FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'drupalbreak', 'en,pl,ru' ) ;
//FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'imgassist' ) ;

Step 3: Now add this line to the fckeditor.config.js:

FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'flvPlayer','en') ;

With the Drupal plugin path commented out, fckEditor will use it's regular plugin path
(where we put the flvPlayer plugin)

It should now find the plugin, almost done.

Now there's a few changes to make to the flvPlayer module, so the file browser can send
the filename back properly:
(more here) http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1856051&group_i...


oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserWindowHeight ) ;


oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowserWindowHeight ) ;

Now, IMCE will be opened, but when you select a file, IMCE can't send back
the path.
To solve it:

Change all ocurrencies of "txtURL" by "txtUrl"

Change all ocurrencies of "txtURL" by "txtUrl"

I haven't figured out how to make the IMCE file browser send an image file back to the
image preview field in the flvPlayer dialog box. I think functionality would need to be
added in for that. However, if you can do without the image preview, it's nice to be able
to simply add movies directly up into nodes.