For this demo we will create and deploy a new node, then deploy an update to the node.

  1. So on your staging server go to node/add/story and create a new story. Give it whatever options you like and save it.
  2. Go to admin/content/node. Check the node you just created, choose 'Deploy' from Update Options, and click the Update button.
  3. Choose 'Live Server' from the Server select list, and enter the username and password for the user you wish your deployment to run as on the destination server. Click the Submit button.
  4. Your deployment should go through two phases - Processing deployment plan dependencies and Pushing deployment plans.
  5. You should end up at Deployment Log Details, which lists the node you just deployed and a Result of 'Success'.
  6. Go to admin/content/node on your destination server. Your node should be listed there, and if you edit the node your settings should have all been transferred properly.
  7. Now if you like you can return to this node on your source server, make some changes to the node, and go through the same process to deploy it to the destination server. Your changes should be transferred properly.

Deployment plans

You can build a deployment plan which groups together selected pieces of content to be pushed to live at the same time.

  1. First, create an empty deployment plan at Administer > Site building > Deployment (admin/build/deploy) under the Plans tab. Click the Add a New Deployment Plan link and fill in a name for the plan.
  2. Go to Administer > Content management > Content (admin/content/node) and select the items you wish to group together in the plan by checking the boxes.
  3. Select "Add to deployment plan" from the Update options dropdown list and hit the Update button.
  4. You are presented with a list of deployment plans you have created. Select the plan to add the items to and hit Submit.

Once you have set up the plan, you can return to Administer > Site building > Deployment (admin/build/deploy) and use the "push" link for a plan to push it live. You will be prompted for the destination server username and password and the process will follow as outlined above.


mooreds’s picture

If you deploy nodes twice and your stage content changes both times, but your production content only changes the first time, check your server time. The deploy module has a check to see if the node on production has changed more recently than the node on stage, and doesn't push the content. If this is the case, you won't see a 'proceeding' message, but neither will you get an error message.

mooreds’s picture

Make sure you have file upload turned off. See this issue:

mattew’s picture


I set up a new deploy environment for a website this morning. For information, i have updated all my modules, including Drupal.

When selecting the server to deploy to, after choose "Deploy" for a node, fields for username and password doesn't appear, like they used to.

Firebug report a problem with ajaxSubmit :
$(element_settings.element).parents("form").ajaxSubmit is not a function
Line 99

What a pity, this module is so great !

Best regards,

mattew’s picture

I have found the problem.

It was a conflict with my newest version of jQuery loaded with the theme, it appears that ajaxSubmit of jquery.form plugin was down for this specific usage.
I'm using some of latest jQuery features for my website (like mouseleave for example), so i can't rely on the old jQ version given by Drupal.

I had to load manually the newest jQ version before all other javascript in the section and put a jQuery noConflict variable between my newest version load and the oldest one from Drupal. So now i have to use my noConflict variable to use latest jQuery features. I hope it won't be a problem for the future, especially for plugins.

Best regards,

P.S : this article help me to apply the noConflict trick :

vj1200’s picture

I followed the steps Basic usage of Deploy, i could transfer a node successfully, but could not update the existing node.
When i update the existing node on the staging server and follow the same process to deploy, the node is transferred as a new node in the production server and the older one remains as it is

qasimzee’s picture

I have same problem. You found any solution?

Qasim Zeeshan

jarodms’s picture

Here is a short tutorial I wrote for deploying a book (with some screenshots):

Hope it helps someone.

Jarod Smith