I look at :

and you can see the images in the image column. it just says "n/a"

I have an image linked in the body and an image loaded through CCK filefield-image.

On mine, those images do not show up. The products list but no image. I have and enabled all required modules.

What do I need to do to test to see what is wrong or to do to fix it.



jdog3’s picture

I'm having the exact same problem. It's driving me nuts. Where do I find an answer to this??????

webdev2’s picture

Waiting for answer also.

sharifudinrizal’s picture

Bumping this thread up because I need to know the solution.

jantoine’s picture

I am seeing the same issue on an upgrade from 5.x to 6.x. I'll start looking into this, but if someone else has solved it, please post.


Jon Antoine

jantoine’s picture

I had several things wrong.

This first issue will probably solve most of your problems. The product module is looking for a 'uc_image_product' variable from the variable table that did not exist in my database. This variable was supposed to be created in update 6005 of the product module. It appears as though this update is related to CCK, but my CCK updates were not performed until after the ubercart updates. Perhaps this is where the issue lies? If you are using the default ubercart product image setup, you can run the following sql command to fix the issue. If however you have a custom image product setup, it will be up to you to determine the value needed for the 'uc_image_product' variable.

INSERT INTO variable (name, value) VALUES ('uc_image_product', 's:17:"field_image_cache";');

Two other issues I noticed were in my image configuration for the product content type. The Permitted upload file extensions: was set to txt. I changed this to the default jpg jpeg png gif. Also the File Path under the Path Settings fieldset was set to my actual files directory path /sites/domain/files. This should be set to nothing for using the Drupal files directory or to a sub-directory within the Drupal files directory.

Hope this helps anyone else with a similar issue.




Jon Antoine

playground21’s picture

I"m having the same problem. Not able find a solution anywhere. I posted couple of questions before I found this post but no answer at all. I looked in drupal_variable table, uc_image_product is already populated with s:17:"field_image_cache";

If anyone have a solution to this please post it here.

Thank you

webdev2’s picture

I ended up reinstalling using the uber install profile and it all worked fine then. Uploading Images is a much more complicated thing than people let on in my opinion. There is imageache, imageAPI,image, imagefield, filefield with multiple image uploads,...

playground21’s picture

I've tried re-installing couple of times but same behavior.

drupdawg’s picture

i had the same issue. realized i forgot to configure :
Administer - Content Type - Product - Ubercart Product Settings - Product image field (Select the image field from the list)

The image field is created by you in manage fields section of Product content type.
When creating this field select type of data store - 'File' and the form element to edit data - 'Image'.
On saving the field shows as of widget type - Image.

modules installed - ubercart/token/filefield/imagefield/imageapi/imagecache/cck/lightbox2.

islevegan’s picture

Look at this url on your drupal installation:


The default for the "display field" of "image" is "" for "label", "teaser" and "full node".

Under the label column select something other than , perhaps "Inline" or "Above".

Make your choices on the teaser and full node, as appropriate.


JeniferTucker’s picture

This helped one of the problems I'm having with Ubercart ;-)

Thanks akatheone

Jenechka’s picture

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou akatheone this was the ptoblem

Jegan2668’s picture

Thanks a lot. Silly issue But i cant. Now i got it. Once again thanks

sahilthadhani’s picture

First of all Go to content Managment->content types->list->product->manage fields and enable the label image.
Then check this link out in you website
and then change the ubercart product setting to images .
But still after enabling the setting to images i had to manually copy the images to imagecache/product_list
and this all worked fine.

Hope this help.

nephro’s picture

I had the same problem, uninstalled reinstalled but on the status page I still had
"The Image file field has not been created for products." no matter how many times I pressed "autoconfigure"

Then deleted all my images, then in the setting up of a product I deleted the image field itself. Saved the setting and logged out.
Logged back in then ran the autoconfigure in the admin store status field.
Then my little yellow warning box disappeared!!!
Put the image field back in the product, uploaded pictures and IT WORKED!!

If this is a stupid answer.....please bear with me. I only discovered Drupal 2 weeks ago and Ubercart yesterday so I may be talking out of where the sun doesn't shine! BUT ....it worked for me.

rikimaru0007’s picture

Base from my experience, you need to create folder manually


Then your Create > Product > Upload Image, Works fine.

I recommend always read "README.txt" ;)

digger3d’s picture

It has disapperared when I enabled image API:

ImageAPI 6.x-1.8 ImageAPI supporting multiple toolkits.
ImageAPI GD2 6.x-1.8 Uses PHP's built-in GD2 image processing support.

drupalninja’s picture

Guys it just a permission isssue. Go to ImageCache folder and check the owner and group settings. Just change them so they are just not only root and images shoul be visible to all.

dmf7’s picture

I set permissions to 777 for imagecache folders and yet the product images still are not displaying in view cart. can't figure this one out.

Did anyone have any luck that they can share?

Jegan2668’s picture

Are you configure this?

Administer - Content Type - Product - Ubercart Product Settings - Product image field (Select the image field from the list)

The image field is created by you in manage fields section of Product content type.
When creating this field select type of data store - 'File' and the form element to edit data - 'Image'.
On saving the field shows as of widget type - Image.

jamesdixon’s picture

Here's a video I made which shows how to get image support working in Ubercart, hopefully it will help some of you.


tandan’s picture

thanks, james! you've just answered everything for me and i didn't need to uninstall/install anything. wish i had found this earlier. thanks!

jamesdixon’s picture

You're welcome! Ubercart is tricky the first time through, and I made the video series to help make it easier.

MohammadMoussa-Lebanon’s picture

thanks a lot thats was so helpful

rajandro’s picture

The best suitable and easiest ways is as follows:
1. Deleted the images field from the view.
2. Add the image field by using the product image content (field_image_cache) for the field.

Enjoy !!!

Siddh12345678’s picture

Hello.. Thanks for your post .......
This really does help ................
This is really the best solution I found here ......