
I've been at this for days. I thought I had made it.

But, still a ways to go...

So, I'm trying to install...

Drupal 4.6

... but...

The problem:
When I go to the first page


where it says:

"Welcome to your new Drupal-powered website. This message will guide you through your first steps with Drupal, and will disappear once you have posted your first piece of content.

The first thing you will need to do is create the first account. "

*there is no link to click to that takes me to "adminster >> settings"

I mean, I can find links that let me configure the webdesign template / marvin / chameleon / etc. / but none of the higher level stuff in the settings... so, I finally ended up typing


into the web browser address .. and I was able to get to the settings page that way -- but... this doesn't seem right.. to have to type that in everytime...


although I can get to the user page directly by typing in....


into the browser... that is the *only* way I'm able to get there... (again, there's no navigation buttons or links to take me there)

*and* finally, when I try to publish my first blog entry, here's the message that I get...

user error: Field 'revisions' doesn't have a default value
query: INSERT INTO node (status, moderate, promote, sticky, comment, title, body, format, uid, created, type, teaser, changed, nid) VALUES('1', '0', '1', '0', '2', 'This is my first Blog -- 2006', 'testingsdf', '1', '1', '1136107002', 'blog', 'testingsdf', '1136107756', '4') in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 66.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 192.

So.... there you have it....

the same old... "Welcome to your new Drupal-powered website..." message keeps showing up on my home page, and I can't seem to do anything to add content to make it go away.

Please help...

So... I've got a working version of WAMP on my home computer
Windows XP SP2
Apache 2.0.2
MySql 5.0
PHP 4.4.1

and I'm using free version of ArgoSoft as my SMTP server (if it's relevant)

And also, if it matters, I noticed when I was installing Drupal 4.6 and was piping the "" lines into mysql... it went through fine, except for...

These lines that gave me "warnings"
REPLACE blocks SET module = 'user', delta = '0', status = '1';
REPLACE blocks SET module = 'user', delta = '1', status = '1';

(something about a 'default value?' I think?')

Anyhow, please, please, please, help.... thank you.

May all you be blessed.


ajwwong’s picture

// $Id: settings.php,v 2005-04-14 18:35:19 dries Exp $

 * @file
 * Drupal site-specific configuration file.
 * The configuration file to be loaded is based upon the rules below.
 * The configuration directory will be discovered by stripping the
 * website's hostname from left to right and pathname from right to
 * left. The first configuration file found will be used and any
 * others will be ignored. If no other configuration file is found
 * then the default configuration file at 'sites/default' will be used.
 * For example, for a fictitious site installed at
 *, the 'settings.php'
 * is searched in the following directories:
 *  1. sites/
 *  2. sites/
 *  3. sites/org.mysite.test
 *  4. sites/
 *  5. sites/
 *  6. sites/org.mysite
 *  7. sites/
 *  8. sites/
 *  9. sites/org
 * 10. sites/default

 * Database settings:
 * Note that the $db_url variable gets parsed using PHP's built-in
 * URL parser (i.e. using the "parse_url()" function) so make sure
 * not to confuse the parser. If your username, password
 * or database name contain characters used to delineate
 * $db_url parts, you can escape them via URI hex encodings:
 *   : = %3a   / = %2f   @ = %40
 *   + = %2b   ( = %28   ) = %29
 *   ? = %3f   = = %3d   & = %26
 * To specify multiple connections to be used in your site (i.e. for
 * complex custom modules) you can also specify an associative array
 * of $db_url variables with the 'default' element used until otherwise
 * requested.
 * You can optionally set prefixes for some or all database table names
 * by using the $db_prefix setting. If a prefix is specified, the table
 * name will be prepended with its value. Be sure to use valid database
 * characters only, usually alphanumeric and underscore. If no prefixes
 * are desired, leave it as an empty string ''.
 * To have all database names prefixed, set $db_prefix as a string:
 *   $db_prefix = 'main_';
 * To provide prefixes for specific tables, set $db_prefix as an array.
 * The array's keys are the table names and the values are the prefixes.
 * The 'default' element holds the prefix for any tables not specified
 * elsewhere in the array. Example:
 *   $db_prefix = array(
 *     'default'   => 'main_',
 *     'users'     => 'shared_',
 *     'sessions'  => 'shared_',
 *     'role'      => 'shared_',
 *     'authmap'   => 'shared_',
 *     'sequences' => 'shared_',
 *   );
 * Database URL format:
 * $db_url = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/database';
 * $db_url = 'pgsql://username:password@localhost/database';
$db_url = 'mysql://xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx@localhost/drupal';
$db_prefix = '';

 * Base URL:
 * The URL of your website's main page. It is not allowed to have
 * a trailing slash; Drupal will add it for you.
$base_url = 'http://localhost/drupal-4.6.5';

 * PHP settings:
 * To see what PHP settings are possible, including whether they can
 * be set at runtime (ie., when ini_set() occurs), read the PHP
 * documentation at
 * and take a look at the .htaccess file to see which non-runtime
 * settings are used there. Settings defined here should not be
 * duplicated there so as to avoid conflict issues.
ini_set('arg_separator.output',     '&');
ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime',     0);
ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase',      0);
ini_set('session.cache_expire',     200000);
ini_set('session.cache_limiter',    'none');
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime',  2000000);
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime',   200000);
ini_set('session.save_handler',     'user');
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid',    0);

 * Variable overrides:
 * To override specific entries in the 'variable' table for this site,
 * set them here. You usually don't need to use this feature. This is
 * useful in a configuration file for a vhost or directory, rather than
 * the default settings.php. Any configuration setting from the 'variable'
 * table can be given a new value.
//$conf = array(
//  'site_name' => 'My Drupal site',
//  'theme_default' => 'pushbutton',
//  'anonymous' => 'Visitor'

sepeck’s picture

Have you created the first account? If not, click create account, do so, then click the log on button that appears. The first account is special in it's behavior.

Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide -|- Black Mountain

-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide

ajwwong’s picture

Hi there and thanks for answering!!! :-) I appreciate it. May you have great karma, health, wealth, and happy new year!!

In response to your question... Yes, I clicked "create account" :-( -- in fact, this is what I did...

My exact workflow:

Installed Drupal...

I got to Drupal homepage at http://localhost/drupal for first time.

I clicked "create account"

I filled in "Account information"/"username"/"email"/"new password"/etc.

Everything seems to be working fine. I returned to Drupal homepage.

I clicked "administration section" which took me to a rather "empty" lookin adminstration page, with the only thing on it being...

Welcome to the administration section. Below are the most recent system events.

...and nothing below it. Note: importantly, the navigation options off of this page were *only* the "select primary/secondary links" in the top menu bar and the click "Home" option right underneath the upper left Drupal logo. There was *no* admininster >> settings option. :-(

Ok, so, thinking that maybe there were other things to configure first before I actually got to see the "real" settings page, I returned to my drupal homepage and clicked "set up your site's configuration" which took me to the same administer webpage as before.

Welcome to the administration section. Below are the most recent system events.

.... and nothing below it. So, I think, "that's weird" and I go back to the drupal home page, and click where it says to enable modules , thinking that that's where the configuration stuff is.

This takes me to a functioning page:

Home » administer
Modules are plugins for Drupal that extend its core functionality. Here you can select which modules are enabled.

And there's all sorts of modular options underneath.

I enable most of them. Set the permissions and throttle. This part seemed to be working just fine.

And I return to the home page. Which still reads as the generic "welcome first time user" page. And I *still* can't get to any "real settings" page.

I click on the "edit primary/secondary links" which takes me to a template choice webpage, where I fill in all the preferences for my web site's look. This seems to work just fine too... all the web page "look" options are reflected in real time after I select them. But this still isn't "real settings", as in all the "Slogan/Mission/anonymous user/default front page/etc. stuff".

And return to my homepage which still reads the generic "welcome first time user" page.

So, I'm thinking, how do I get to the "settings page"? There don't seem to be any options.

So, after hours of trying to hack into it, I type into the IE browser toolbar


-- on a complete lark -- and "lo and behold" -- there's the settings -- and I end up "setting them:" Slogan/Mission/anonymous user/etc. and so, I must be logged in and recognized as having permission to view this page -- but even after this there seems to be no way to get to these settings from an "administer >> settings" navigation block -- but only via typing the long http: address into the browser.
And, as far as adding content goes... Can't seem to do that either...

My best effort -- I linked to


from the email message that drupal sent me the first time, and from there, I got to

Home >> User Account

which leads me to >> Post new blog entry, which after I type in blog leads me to an error message

user error: Field 'revisions' doesn't have a default value
query: INSERT INTO node (status, moderate, promote, sticky, comment, title, body, format, uid, created, type, teaser, changed, nid) VALUES('1', '0', '1', '0', '2', '1st time installation -- can\'t get to administer >> settings panel', 'help me please', '1', '1', '1136138180', 'blog', 'help me please', '1136138195', '6') in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 66.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 192.

Strange thing is, that under the


page, I get the message,

Your personal blog entry was created.

but when I try and go to view the blog, no blog entries show up anywhere.

I know this is a lot of information, but I just wanted to give you as much info as possible, to help diagnose the problem..... thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

Heine’s picture


If you're using http://localhost/drupal to visit your site, the $base_url in your previous post is incorrect (http://localhost/drupal-4.6.5) and should be set to:

$base_url = 'http://localhost/drupal';

Tips for posting to the forums.
When your problem is solved, please post a follow-up to the thread you started or consider submitting it to the Troubleshooting FAQ.

ajwwong’s picture

Thanks for your comment, Heine! :-)

I know this might be a bit confusing, but...

the $base_url is actually correct in my setup, I think...

I actually made a typographical mistake when I was typing in my comment post above... :-( ... the one entitled "Hi--and thanks for answering" dated January 1, 2006 at 10:06 AM

The truth is, actually,
that I'm using


to visit my site ... not


... sorry for the confusion :-(

I just got imprecise in how I was typing and was doing it from memory in that comment post (ajwwong/"Hi--and thanks for answering" dated January 1, 2006 at 10:06 AM (California Time)) the web addresses I'm using to visit my site are actually...


not the


ones that I listed in my previous message... So.. the $base_url is actually correct, I think, (even if I didn't type my comment above correctly -- sorry!)... hope with this amendment it all makes sense...

:-( Sorry... I'll try to be more precise in my posts in the future...

But thanks for the idea and all your good thoughts and help :-)!! And sorry for the confusion!! :-(

And if you have any ideas on how I can
actually get to the

administer >> settings

navigation block, without typing it in manually into the IE browser, it would be Mucho appreciated!!



Heine’s picture

Ok, then that's sorted! I think you have a problem because of MySQL 5 (See Try switching to MySQL 4 OR disable MySQL's 'strict mode'; this might require some digging through the manuals.

Tips for posting to the forums.
When your problem is solved, please post a follow-up to the thread you started or consider submitting it to the Troubleshooting FAQ.

ajwwong’s picture

You are *brilliant**, Heine!!!!

This looks exactly right!!! (me, jumping up and down with joy)

:-) !!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.....!!!!!!

It'll take some more leg work, that's for sure.... but I'm on my way....

Thanks a million..... and may your new year be blessed!


Heine’s picture

It isn't the cleanest way to do, but since you're using mysql on localhost it doesn't matter much.

Execute the SQL query (eg in phpmyadmin):

SET GLOBAL sql_mode='MYSQL40'

or start mysqld with the option --sql-mode="MYSQL40"

I hope that will do the trick.

After this you should delete the contents of the current drupal database and reimport the tables from database/database.mysql.

edit: Please post here again if this works or not...

Tips for posting to the forums.
When your problem is solved, please post a follow-up to the thread you started or consider submitting it to the Troubleshooting FAQ.

ajwwong’s picture

Thanks, Heine!! I'll try that pronto!! :-)

I've been doing some major digging on my own... (for the last 4 hours or so!!) following through on your EXCELLENT link to the ...

mySQL5 and drupal compatibility issues

....and found (after a trying a zillion different things! whew!) another possible solution -- that has seemd to work in my situation...

1. Locate the file my.ini in your MySQL installation folder
2. Add a "#" so that the following line becomes "commented". That is to say:
--------REPLACE THIS TEXT------------------------------

------WITH THIS TEXT-----------------------

3. Restart the mysql service (or the computer)

See the reference file:

This technique seems like it works, --- I've just tried it, and was *finally* able to publish my first blog!! -- although, there might be some dangers in this method -- I guess it might not be totally safe....

So.... I'm definitely gonna try your method and see if I can get that to work, too! And I'll definitely post here on the results!!

Again, thanks a milliion!! :-)

Also, thanks for the tip on deleting my current drupal and reimporting the tables fresh from the database/ file.... 'cause, honestly, being a newbie, I wouldn't have known to do that....

I think you probably saved me another 5 hours on that one!!

:-) Very grateful... !! Hopefully, I will be able to give back some day...


ajwwong’s picture

Thanks so much for this idea of setting the sql-mode to 'mysql40'. It's perfect and brilliant for my needs right now... :-)

Just for the record...

What I ended up doing is I'm modifying my mySQL's "my.ini" file so that I've taken out the line that reads...


... and I've added a line:


.............and it works GREAT!!!!!



(now I've just got to re-initialize my database!!)


Heine’s picture

Hi Albert,

I want to write a page about strict mode & MySQL 5 for the Troubleshooting FAQ and I need to know the exact messages you got when creating the database tables (ie importing database.mysql).

These lines that gave me "warnings"
REPLACE blocks SET module = 'user', delta = '0', status = '1';
REPLACE blocks SET module = 'user', delta = '1', status = '1';

Could you post them here or contact me?

Thanks in advance!

Tips for posting to the forums.
When your problem is solved, please post a follow-up to the thread you started.

ajwwong’s picture

Hello, Heine!

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner!!

I actually stopped checking the forums after I got my issue fixed, so I didn't realize that you had responded to my last post..... So, sorry for the delay -- But I am happy to help -- in whatever way I can.

So, I don't know if it is useful anymore, but here is the error message that I was receiving using mysql 5.0 when I tried to pipe the drupal database.mysql through it:

After the database.mysql line :

REPLACE blocks SET module = "user", delta equals "0", status = "1";

I got the error message:

ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'pages' doesn't have a default value

And after the line:

REPLACE blocks SET module = "user", delta equals "0", status = "1";

I got the (same) error message:

ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'pages' doesn't have a default value

I hope that helps! :-)

You might also take a look at:

And another problem (that you probably know about) that happens with the new version of mysql 5 is the password compatibility issue.

This is indicated by the message:

Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

At least for me, I solved this particular problem by adding the line:

#Use old password encryption method

to the end of the file:


(I think that any databases that were set with the new passwords will also need to reset, as well. Or you can just start with a new database.)

See also:

Hope this is helpful!

And all the best!


oadaeh’s picture

Also, the "Welcome to your new Drupal-powered website..." message will stay there until you create content that is promoted to the front page.

ajwwong’s picture

And Happy new year!! :-)

Yes, you're right, I know that I need to create content, but I'm having a hard time doing that. :-(

The main problem seems to be that I can't get to a

Home » create content

link on the navigation block. As in, there is no link through which I can click "create content". :-(

Now, here's an added twist --- I can get to a "create content page" by typing this into the IE browse bar:


but even then when I try to "add content"... whether it's a book, or a blog, or a forum, poll, etc.

I get some version of the following error.... :-(

user error: Field 'revisions' doesn't have a default value
query: INSERT INTO node (status, moderate, promote, sticky, comment, title, body, format, uid, created, type, teaser, changed, nid) VALUES('1', '1', '1', '1', '2', 'please help me', 'anyone, please, please, please', '1', '1', '1136140173', 'blog', 'anyone, please, please, please', '1136140194', '7') in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 66.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ in C:\Server\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 192.

So, this doesn't seem to be working either :-(

Thanks for all your help, Oadae!!

twohills’s picture

I have the same problem as ajwwong. Stuff works by writing the query in the URL but there are no menus except proimary and secondary links.
To make it clear:
after installation of Drupal, THERE ARE NO SIDEBARS!!!!! Not "no blocks", no sidebars. Not even whitespace. I tried all four of the installed themes. the screenshots for them all show a navigation block to the left. Well it isn't there. The main frame starts at the left of the screen.

The block.module is getting read OK, I tested that.

For the record, I'm using Windows XP Pro Service Pack 1 fresh from Dell a week ago, Apache 2.0.55 (downloaded yesterday), PHP 4.4.1 (downloaded today after wasting half a day on PHP 5), and Drupal 4.6.5 (also downloaded yesterday).

I'm picking there is some Apache setting that stops frames, since any other Drupal website - including this one - looks fine in my browser (IE 6.0)

Any ideas?

helsinki’s picture

Have you tried the solution outlined above? Did you get the exact same database intall errors?

twohills’s picture

Yes. I don't believe the MySQL errors are related to the lack of sidebars.

I've set my drupal user to OLD PASSWORD and I've changed my.ini to sql-mode='MYSQL40'. No effect on this symptom though it did cure others

twohills’s picture

Hi ajwwong
and my apologies helsinki - you were on it

I'm not sure exactly what was wrong, but I dropped every table in schema drupal and re-added them and now I have SIDEBARS and blocks yaaaayyy

Before you drop them, check if they are all there. What i suspect has happened is that the database.mysql script has not completed successfully and only sonme of the tables were there and none of the inserted records

Once you have dropped them and re-added, you are of course back to scratch - you need to define user 1 again and set up Drupal, but it is much easier when you have the navigation :-D

Heine’s picture

To quote a previous post in the thread:

I hope that will do the trick.

After this you should delete the contents of the current drupal database and reimport the tables from database/database.mysql.

I figured this is quite obvious, since the database import gives you an error, but apparantly it isn't. It's now added to the handbook page Error 1364 upon importing database.mysql with MySQL 5.0+.

Tips for posting to the forums.
When your problem is solved, please post a follow-up to the thread you started.

twohills’s picture

Yeah, we newbies often miss the obvious while stuck in the weeds :-D And some of us are not so technical, or are just plain sloppy (hem hem). It is deceptive: tables exist, database erros go away, and Drupal runs. Took a while to twig that MySQL was not 100%.

Many thanks to you guys for your help.

To remove the database to start again, you can either drop the whole schema (MySQL Query browser, right click on schema) or just drop all the tables:

DROP TABLE access ;
DROP TABLE accesslog ;
DROP TABLE aggregator_category ;
DROP TABLE aggregator_category_feed ;
DROP TABLE aggregator_category_item ;
DROP TABLE aggregator_feed ;
DROP TABLE aggregator_item ;
DROP TABLE authmap ;
DROP TABLE blocks ;
DROP TABLE boxes ;
DROP TABLE cache ;
DROP TABLE comments ;
DROP TABLE node_comment_statistics ;
DROP TABLE directory ;
DROP TABLE files ;
DROP TABLE filter_formats ;
DROP TABLE filters ;
DROP TABLE flood ;
DROP TABLE forum ;
DROP TABLE history ;
DROP TABLE locales_meta ;
DROP TABLE locales_source ;
DROP TABLE locales_target ;
DROP TABLE moderation_filters ;
DROP TABLE moderation_roles ;
DROP TABLE moderation_votes ;
DROP TABLE node_access ;
DROP TABLE profile_fields ;
DROP TABLE profile_values ;
DROP TABLE url_alias ;
DROP TABLE permission ;
DROP TABLE poll_choices ;
DROP TABLE queue ;
DROP TABLE search_index ;
DROP TABLE search_total ;
DROP TABLE sessions ;
DROP TABLE sequences ;
DROP TABLE node_counter ;
DROP TABLE system ;
DROP TABLE term_data ;
DROP TABLE term_hierarchy ;
DROP TABLE term_node ;
DROP TABLE term_relation ;
DROP TABLE term_synonym ;
DROP TABLE users ;
DROP TABLE users_roles ;
DROP TABLE variable ;
DROP TABLE vocabulary ;
DROP TABLE vocabulary_node_types ;
DROP TABLE watchdog ;
