
The Import / Export API allows for the definition of data entities within Drupal. The definition system lets data entities be related to each other, and it includes a number of different field types. It also supports a system of import (parsing) and export (rendering) engines, for formats such as XML and CSV. Data entities are able to be exported from, and imported into, a Drupal site, for purposes such as backup, offline editing, data migration, and data transfer between Drupal databases.


  1. Extract the package into your site's appropriate modules directory (/sites/all/modules or /sites/sitename/modules).
  2. Enable the importexportapi and importexportui modules at administer >> site building >> modules.
  3. Configure access privileges at administer >> user management >> access control (5.x) or administer >> user management >> permissions (6.x +) .

Performing imports and exports

A simple UI module, called 'importexportui', is currently included with the API. To start performing data exports, go to 'administer -> export' and follow the wizard on that page. To start performing data imports, go to 'administer -> import', and follow the wizard on that page.

All data for importing is currently stored in a series of files in the '/testdata' directory of the package. To add or edit the available import data, simply edit the files in this directory, or add new files of your own (no configuration needed - all files in this directory are made available for import).


All issues (e.g. support requests, bug reports) are to be submitted using the issue tracker.


You may need to significantly increase the memory allocation in your php.ini file.